Rethinking development in East Asia : from illusory miracle to economic crisis


Rethinking development in East Asia : from illusory miracle to economic crisis

edited by Pietro P. Masina

(Studies on Asian topics, no. 29)

Curzon, 2002

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 29



Includes bibliographical references and index



Focuses on three interrelated aspects: the impact of evolving international and regional dynamics on national development strategies; the rethinking of national and regional development models after the crisis; and the analysis of the socio-economic transformations produced in East Asian countries during the period of accelerated economic growth and the long-term socio-economic implication of the crisis.


Preface, Introduction PART I: East Asia AND THE INTERNATIONAL REGIME The New 'Asian Drama': Catching Up at the Crossroads of Neoliberalism, The Material, Strategic and Discursive Dimensions of the 'Asian Crisis' and Subsequent Developments Economy and Politics in the East Asian Crisis PART II: TOWARDS A HEGEMONIC CRISIS OF NEOLIBERAL' THINKING? 5. The Developmental Implications of the Pacific Asian Crises 6. Finance and the Elusive Recovery: Lessons for Emerging Markets from South Korea and Thailand 7. Taming the IMF: How the Asian Crisis Cracked the Washington Consensus PART III: NATIONAL MODELS AND DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES 8. Developmental States and Crony Capitalists 9. South Korean Society in the IMF Era: Compressed Capitalist Development and Social Sustainability Crisis 10. Dealing with the Crisis in Vietnam: The Rethinking of Development Strategies PART IV: SOCIO-ECONOMIC IMPLICATIONS OF EAST ASIAN DEVELOPMENT - BETWEEN MIRACLES AND CRISES 11. Rural Areas, Rural People and the Asian Crisis: Ordinary People in a Globalizing World 12. Coping with Crisis and 'Migration Reversal' in Thailand 13. The Changing Economic and Urban Situation in Vietnam 14. Pastoral Adaptation and Subsistence in Mongolia's 'Age of the Market' 15. Conclusion

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