Reconfiguring modernity : concepts of nature in Japanese political ideology


Reconfiguring modernity : concepts of nature in Japanese political ideology

Julia Adeney Thomas

(Twentieth-century Japan : the emergence of a world power, 12)

University of California Press, c2001

  • : cloth

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 41



Includes bibliographical references and index



Julia Adeney Thomas turns the concept of nature into a powerful analytical lens through which to view Japanese modernity, bringing the study of both Japanese history and political modernity to a new level of clarity. She shows that nature necessarily functions as a political concept and that changing ideas of nature's political authority were central during Japan's transformation from a semifeudal world to an industrializing colonial empire. In political documents from the nineteenth to the early twentieth century, nature was redefined, moving from the universal, spatial concept of the Tokugawa period, through temporal, social Darwinian ideas of inevitable progress and competitive struggle, to a celebration of Japan as a nation uniquely in harmony with nature. The so-called traditional 'Japanese love of nature' masks modern state power. Thomas' theoretically sophisticated study rejects the supposition that modernity is the ideological antithesis of nature, overcoming the determinism of the physical environment through technology and liberating denatured subjects from the chains of biology and tradition. In making 'nature' available as a critical term for political analysis, this book yields new insights into prewar Japan's failure to achieve liberal democracy, as well as an alternative means of understanding modernity and the position of non-Western nations within it.


Preface Acknowledgments Note on Transliteration 1. Introduction: The Trouble with Nature Objections Justifications Outline of Nature's Political History in Japan 2. The Topographical Imagination of Tokugawa Politics Mental Maps China as Imperial Center Japan's Imperial Center Rural Centers Centers of Learning Divorce Proceedings: Space versus Time 3. Early Meiji's Contentious Natures Natural Forms of Contention: Laws and Bodies The Historiography of Meiji Ideologies Nature's Indeterminate Determinism 4. Kato Hiroyuki: Turning Nature into Time Kato Hiroyuki and Tenko Shinsei tai'i and Kokutai shinron Jinken shinsetsu The Reaction to Jinken shinsetsu 5. Baba Tatsui: Natural Laws and Willful Natures The Equilibrium of Forces in Nature and History The Death Wishes of Baba Tatsui and Herbert Spencer Tenpu jinkenron: The Reply to Kato Catalyzing Nature: The Role of Will in Baba's Social Evolution 6. Ueki Emori: Singing the Body Electric The Basic Body of Tenpu jinkenben The Political Problems of Ueki's Bodies A Dance of Loneliness 7. The Acculturation of Japanese Nature Social Evolution's Victory Social Evolution's Defeat: The Political Inadequacy of a Progressive Cosmopolis Nature as Japanese Culture: Bringing the Outside In The Last Vestiges of Social Darwinism 8. Ultranational Nature: Dead Time and Dead Space Shinto's National Nature Economizing Nature Educating the National Family World-Historical Nature 9. Conclusion: Natural Freedom Index

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