A history of modern psychology


A history of modern psychology

Thomas Hardy Leahey

Prentice Hall, c2001

3rd ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3



Includes bibliographical references and index



For junior/senior/graduate-level courses in History of Modern Psychology, and History and Systems of Psychology. This text is a history of modern psychology, beginning with the publication of Fechner's elements of Psychophysics in the mid-19th century to the present. It approaches the history of psychology from a scientific perspective.


I. INTRODUCTION. 1. Psychology, Science, and History. 2. Laying the Foundations. II. FOUNDING PSYCHOLOGY. 3. The Psychology of Consciousness. 4. The Psychology of the Unconscious. 5. The Psychology of Adaptation. III. A VERY DIFFERENT AGE, 1880-1913. 6. The Conspiracy of Naturalism. 7. Consciousness Dissolves. IV. SCIENTIFIC PSYCHOLOGY IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY. 8. The Golden Age of Behaviorism, 1913-1950. 9. The Decline of Behaviorism, 1950-1960. 10. The Rise of Cognitive Science, 1960-2000. V. APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY. 11. The Birth of Applied Psychology, 1892-1919. 12. The Rise of Professional Psychology, 1920-1950. 13. The Psychological Society, 1950-2000.

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