Unmeasured information and the methodology of social scientific inquiry


Unmeasured information and the methodology of social scientific inquiry

by Donald W. Katzner

Kluwer Academic Pub., c2001

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 5



Includes bibliographical references and index



I have three reasons for bringing out the ensuing collection of essays. First, since analysis without measurement (this is generally not the same thing as what is commonly referred to as "qualitative methods" or "qualitative research" in the social science literature) is a relatively new scholarly endeavor, I am striving to enhance its visibility by attracting a wider audience than what would normally be possible with single, narrowly-focused essays published in scat tered journals. Second, several of these essays may, in the minds of potential readers, appear to have been published in places that, if not obscure, are at least inconvenient to locate. Collecting them in a single anthology, then, will help to increase their accessibility. Third, I am trying to suggest, as strongly as I can, that analysis without measurement is a viable intellectual enterprise that ought to be taken seriously in social science. This last point will clearly be en hanced if the whole that follows turns out, as I hope and suspect it does, to be greater than the sum of its parts. All the same, each reader will have to judge for himself or herself the extent to which I have, through the present collection, successfully made the case for taking up analysis without measurement. The partitioning of these essays into two groups is somewhat, though by no means completely arbitrary.


Preface. 1. Introduction: Science, Social Science, and Measurement. Part 1: Methodology. 2. Our Mad Rush to Measure: How Did We Get into this Mess? 3. In Defense of Formalization in Economics. 4. On Not Quantifying the Non-Quantifiable. 5. Notions of Closeness in a Non-Quantifiable Setting. 6.The Role of Formalism in Economic Thought, with Illustration Drawn from the Analysis of Social Interaction in the Firm. 7. Institutionally Determined Parameters in Economic Equations 8. The Misuse of Measurement in Economics 9. Analysis with Ordinal Measurement. Part II: Applications. 10. Effort and Efficiency in the Neoclassical Finn 11. The Efficiency of Organizational Forms. 12. Attitudes, Rationality, and Consumer Demand. 13. Political Structure and System and the Notion of Logical Completeness. 14. The Formal Structure of Argument in Professor Apter s. Choice and the Politics of Allocation. Index.

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  • ISBN
    • 0792373367
  • LCCN
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
  • ページ数/冊数
    viii, 310 p.
  • 大きさ
    24 cm
  • 分類
  • 件名