Historical dictionary of the Napoleonic era


Historical dictionary of the Napoleonic era

George F. Nafziger

(Historical dictionaries of ancient civilizations and historical eras, no. 6)

Scarecrow Press, 2002

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 6



Bibliography: p. 313-351



The author covers one of the most explosive and most exciting periods of world history, spanning the time from the eruption of the French Revolution through the end of the Napoleonic wars (1789-1815). These twenty-six years of history saw the birth of nationalism and Western democracy, economic crisis and political convulsion, the growth of industrialism, the death of ancient traditions, and the birth and break-up of empire. It was the time of Napoleon, who gave his name to this period of tremendous change: the period in which the roots of modern Europe were planted. This work is intended as a broad review, devoting a majority of its attention to the military and political events and personalities of the period, while also surveying the major artistic, social and cultural events and personalities that formed this period.


Chapter 1 Editor's Foreword Jon Woronoff Chapter 2 Chronology Chapter 3 Introduction Chapter 4 THE DICTIONARY Chapter 5 Bibliography Chapter 6 About the Author

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