Ethics and law in modern medicine : hypothetical case studies


Ethics and law in modern medicine : hypothetical case studies

by David M. Vukadinovich and Susan L. Krinsky

(International library of ethics, law, and the new medicine, v. 6)

Kluwer Academic Publishers, c2001

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 9



Includes index



Ethics and Law in Modern Medicine is a unique book that explores the field of medical ethics and health care decision-making through hypothetical case studies. The truly unique feature of this volume is that each chapter sets forth a hypothetical fact pattern which includes role assignments to encourage participants to actively take part in group discussions and debate the controversial and cutting-edge topics that are presented. Each chapter includes in-depth discussion questions which thoroughly explore issues raised by the hypothetical fact patterns, and suggested readings provide background for participants. Additionally, the volume contains excerpts from key statutes and case law which govern the decision-making process presented in each chapter. The volume covers a wide variety of issues including HIV, the health care rights of minors, consent and confidentiality, assisted reproductive technology, property rights in bodily organs, research ethics, religious freedom and the right to refuse care, rationing of scarce resources, surrogate decision-making, and several other traditional as well as unique ethical, legal, and social issues.


1. Health Care Professionals and HIV: The Duty to Warn. 2. Emergency Care and HIV: Treatment Policy and Practice. 3. A Revolutionary Policy? Mandatory Disclosure of HIV Serostatus. 4. Minors and Health Care: The Limits of Consent and Confidentiality. 5. The Rights to Refuse and Demand Medical Treatment: The Bounds of Autonomy and Futility. 6. Religious Freedom and the Right to Refuse Care: What are the Limits? 7. Assisted Reproductive Technology: The Business of Making Babies. 8. Twins and Transplants: Choosing Who Lives. 9. Free Abortion Services and Fetal Tissue Research: Freedom of Choice and Coercion. 10. Property Rights, Body Parts, and Reproduction: Who Owns the Human Body? 11. Outbreak in America: The Policy of Public Verses Private Interests. Appendices. Glossary the Principles of Bioethics Decision Making: The Philosophical Foundation of Bioethics. Index.

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