
Variations = 사랑의 변주곡 : three Korean poets

Kim Su-Young, Shin Kyong-Nim, Lee Si-Young ; translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé, Young-Moo Kim

(Cornell East Asia series, no. 110)

East Asia Program, Cornell University, c2001

  • : hbk
  • : pbk


사랑의 변주곡

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 4



Korean and English on facing pages



This book showcases the work of three major Korean poets born at fourteen-year intervals, in 1921, 1935, and 1949. Each has tried to renew Korean poetry by bringing it into closer contact with everyday speech, social issues, and ordinary people's lives. Kim Su-Young was a major pioneer, first developing as a Modernist but then moving toward a poetry that addresses social issues and uses ordinary language. Shin Kyong-Nim spent years living among the simple working people of rural Korea. Today Lee Si-Young writes in a similar spirit about the pain and dignity of humble lives. In this bilingual volume, a wide selection of these three poets' most significant work is made available in English for the first time.

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