Surface and thin film analysis : principles, instrumentation, applications


    • Bubert, Henning
    • Jenett, Holger


Surface and thin film analysis : principles, instrumentation, applications

edited by H. Bubert and H. Jenett

Wiley-VCH, c2002


Surface and thin film analysis : a compendium of principles, instrumentation, and applications

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 15



Includes bibliographical references (p. 303-324) and index



The development and quality assurance of such high-tech materials as semiconductors or biopolymers demand special analytical methods for surfaces and thin films. This book presents the whole spectrum of methods available in a clear manner, moving beyond the basics, equipment and applications to compare these methods. This allows users to find the optimum method in solving any given problem. The book is richly illustrated with 200 figures. It includes almost 900 references that guide to the primary literature; and a list of suppliers, each with full address, that makes it easy to obtain the required equipment.


Preface.List of Authors.Introduction (J. Riviere & H. Bubert).Electron Detection.Photoelectron Spectroscopy.Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) (H. Bubert & J. Riviere).Electron Energy--Loss Spectroscopy (EELS) (R. Schneider).Low--energy Electron Diffraction (LEED) (G. Held).Other Electron--detecting Techniques (J. Riviere).Ion Detection.Static Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SSIMS) (H. Arlinghaus).Dynamic Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) (H. Hutter).Electron--impact (EI) Secondary Neutral Mass Spectrometry (SNMS) (H. Jenett).Laser--SNMS (H. Arlinghaus).Rutherford Back--scattering Spectroscopy (RBS) (L. Palmetshofer).Low--energy Ion Scattering (LEIS) (P. Bauer).Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis (ERDA) (O. Benka).Nuclear Reaction Analysis (NRA) (O. Benka).Other Ion--detecting Techniques (J. Riviere).Photon Detection.Total Reflection X--ray Fluorescence Analysis (TXRF) (L. Fabry & S. Pahlke).Energy--dispersive X--ray Spectroscopy (EDXS) (R. Schneider).Grazing Incidence X--ray Methods for Near--surface Structural Studies (P. Gibson).Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectroscopy (GD--OES) (A. Quentmeier).Surface Analysis by Laser Ablation (M. Bolshov).Ion Beam Spectrochemical Analysis (IBSCA) (V. Rupertus).Reflection Absorption IR Spectroscopy (RAIRS) (K. Hinrichs).Surface--enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) (W. Hill).UV--Vis--IR Ellipsometry (ELL) (B. Gruska & A. Roseler).Other Photon--detecting Techniques (J. Riviere).Scanning Probe Microscopy.Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) (G. Friedbacher).Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) (G. Friedbacher).Summary and Comparison of Techniques.Surface and Thin Film Analytical Equipment Suppliers.References.Index.

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