Counterpoint, composition, and musica ficta


Counterpoint, composition, and musica ficta

Margaret Bent

(Criticism and analysis of early music)

Routledge, 2002

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3



Includes bibliographical references and index

"Criticism and analysis of early music; v. 4"--CIP data



Musica ficta is the practice of sharpening or flattening certain notes to avoid awkward intervals in medieval and Renaissance music. This collection gathers Margaret Bent's influential writings on this controversial subject from the past 30 years, along with an extensive author's introduction discussing the current state of scholarship and responding to critics. Also includes 25 musical examples.


I. Musica Recta and Musica Ficta II. Pycard's Credo No. 76 III. Renaissance Counterpoint and Musica Ficta IV. Diatonic Ficta V. Accidentals, Counterpoint and Notation in Aaron's Aggiunta to the Toscanello in Musica Dicatonic ficta Revisited: Josquion's Ave Maria in Context VII. Editing Early Music: The Dilemma of Translation VIII. Some Factors in the Control of Consonance and Sonority: Successive Composition and the Solus tenor IX. Pycard's Double Canon: Evidence of Revision? X. Text Setting in Sacred Music of the Early 15th Century: Evidence and Implications XI. Resfacta and Cantare super librum

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