
Health economics

Charles E. Phelps

(Addison-Wesley series in economics)

Addison-Wesley, c2003

3rd ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 28



Includes bibliographical references (p. 625-650) and index



In this market-leading text, Phelps combines current economic thinking and research in health economics with real health policy problems. New to the heavily revised Third Edition is a chapter on Managed Care and additional coverage of pharmaceutical industries, as well as an appendix for review of the Math and Microeconomics concepts used in the book. The early chapters of Health Economics develop essential methodological foundations supported by recent empirical studies. Later chapters focus on major policy areas, such as the structure and effects of Medicare reform, competition and regulation in health care, and international comparisons of health care systems, building on the conceptual material developed earlier in the book.


1. Why Health Economics? 2. An Overview of How Markets Interrelate in Medical Care and Health Insurance. 3. The Transformation of Medical Care to Health. 4. The Demand for Medical Care: Conceptual Framework. 5. Empirical Studies of Medical Care Demand and Applications. 6. The Physician. 7. Physicians in the Marketplace. 8. The Hospital as a Supplier of Medical Care. 9. Hospitals in the Marketplace. 10. Health Insurance. 11. Managed Care. 12. Government Provision of Health Insurance: Medicare and Its Revisions. 13. Medical Malpractice. 14. Externalities in Health and Medical Care. 15. Managing the Market: Regulation and Technical Change in Health Care. 16. Universal Insurance Issues and International Comparisons of Health Care Systems. Author's Postscript. Appendix: Introduction to Basic Economics Concepts. Answers to Selected Problems. Bibliography. Acknowledgments. Index.

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