Imagining progressive religion : 1805-1900


Imagining progressive religion : 1805-1900

Gary Dorrien

(The making of American liberal theology / Gary Dorrien)

Westminster John Knox Press, c2001

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 8



Includes bibliographical references (p. [412]-473) and index



In this first of a three-volume, comprehensive series, Gary Dorrien mixes theological analysis with historical and biographical detail to present the first comprehensive interpretation of American theological liberalism. Arguing that the indigenous roots of American liberal theology existed before the rise of Darwinism, Dorrien maintains that this tradition took shape in the nineteenth century and was motivated by a desire to map a progressive "third way" between authority-based orthodoxies and atheistic rationalism. Dorrien characterizes American liberal theology by its openness to historical criticism and evolutionary theory, its commitment to the authority of individual reason and experience, its conception of Christianity as an ethical way of life, and its commitment to make Christianity credible and socially relevant to modern people.

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