Active tectonics : earthquakes, uplift, and landscape


Active tectonics : earthquakes, uplift, and landscape

Edward A. Keller, Nicholas Pinter

(Prentice Hall earth science series)

Prentice Hall, c2002

2nd ed.

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 6



Includes bibliographical references and index



This text is appropriate for beginning undergraduate courses in active tectonics, geomorphology and natural hazards taught in either geology or geography departments. This text may also be of interest to city planners, seismic engineers, and other non-geologists. Through lucid, carefully organized exposition, this text makes the study of active tectonics (earthquakes in the present and recent past) easily understandable. Extremely current throughout, this text thoroughly explores the effects of earthquakes and active tectonic systems on humans, geomorphic systems, and Earth's topography. The text is complete with numerous case studies in a variety of regions, the very latest advances in the field, separate quantitative techniques boxed sections, and a host of pedagogical aids.


(NOTE: Each chapter concludes with Summary and References Cited.) 1. Introduction to Active Tectonics: Emphasizing Earthquakes. Active Tectonics. Global Tectonic. Earthquakes and Related Phenomena. Magnitude and Intensity of Earthquakes. Seismic Waves. Material Amplification. Directivity. Active Fault Zones. Estimation of Seismic Risk. Effects of Earthquakes. Earthquakes Caused by Human Activity. The Earthquake Cycle. Predicting Ground Motion. 2. Landforms, Tectonic Geomorphology, and Quaternary Chronology. Tectonic Geomorphology. Geomorphic Concepts. Tectonic Geomorphology and Faulting. Pleistocene and Holocene Chronology. 3. Geodesy. Introduction. Principles of Geodesy. Geodetic Techniques. Applications. 4. Geomorphic Indices of Active Tectonics. Introduction. Hypsometric Curve and Hypsometric Integral. Drainage Basic Asymmetry. Stream Length-Gradient Index (SL). Mountain-Front Sinuosity (Smf). Ratio of Valley-Floor Width to Valley Height (Vf). Alluvial Fans and Tectonic Activity at Mountain Fronts. Relic Mountain Fronts. Classification of Relative Tectonic Activity. 5. Active Tectonics and Rivers. Introduction. Fluvial Responses to Tectonic Modification. Models of Tectonic Adjustment. 6. Active Tectonics and Coastlines. Introduction. Coastal Landforms. Coseismic Deformation. Coastal Geomorphology and Sea Level. Long-Term Uplift. Deformation of Coastal Terraces. Lake Shorelines. Dating Coastal Landforms. Coastal Tectonics and Time Scale. 7. Active Folding and Earthquakes. Introduction. Fold-and-Thrust Belts. Flexural-Slip Faults. Folding and Strike-Slip Faulting. Tectonic Geomorphology of Active Folds. Case Study: Wheeler Ridge Anticline. Case Study: Ventura Avenue Anticline. 8. Paleoseismology and Earthquake Prediction. Paleoseismology. Evidence for Paleoearthquakes. Fault-Zone Segmentation. Case Study: Segmentation and Paleoseismicity of the Wasatch Fault Zone, Utah. Models of Earthquake Recurrence. Case Study: Twelve Centuries of Earthquakes on the San Andreas Fault. Conditional Probabilities for Future Earthquakes. Earthquake Prediction. Earthquake-Hazard Reduction. Adjustments to Earthquake Activity. 9. Mountain Building. Introduction. Models of Landscape and Mountain Development. Dynamics of Orogenesis. Linkages in a Feedback-Rich Orogenic Systems. Landscape Evolution. Appendix A. Glossary. Index.

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  • ISBN
    • 0130882305
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
    Upper Saddle River, NJ
  • ページ数/冊数
    xiii, 362p.
  • 大きさ
    24 cm
  • 分類
  • 件名
  • 親書誌ID