Teaching mathematics in middle school : a practical guide


Teaching mathematics in middle school : a practical guide

Stephen Krulik, Jesse Rudnick, Eric Milou

Allyn and Bacon, c2003

  • : pbk.

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes bibliographical references and index



Written specifically for the preservice and inservice middle school math teacher, this practical guide to teaching mathematics to preadolescents draws on the latest research and more than 100 years of combined teaching experience. Taking an empirical focus, the aim of this book is to give middle school math teachers preparing to enter the classroom what they need, when they need it. Its organization is intuitive, moving from the general/macro to the specific.


  • I.THE MIDDLE SCHOOL: WHAT'S IT ALL ABOUT? 1. Why the Middle School? 2. The Mathematics Curriculum of the Middle School. II. THE MIDDLE SCHOOL CLASSROOM
  • YOUR HOME AWAY FROM HOME. 3. Organizing Your Classroom. 4. Planning for Instruction (or What Do I Do Now?). 5. The Rate of Questioning (or Don't Always Trust Your Instincts). 6. Technology in the Middle School Mathematics Class. III. PROBLEM SOLVING, REASONING AND THINKING-MAKE'EM USE THEIR HEADS. 7. Problem Solving and Reasoning. IV. MIDDLE SCHOOL MATHEMATICS-DAY BY DAY TEACHING MATHEMATICS. 8. Those First 5 Minutes (or Getting Them Into the Room). 9. The Next 15 Minutes (or Unusual Ways of Presenting Usual Topics). 10. The Role of Homework. V.TESTING AND ASSESSING: HOW DID THEY-AND YOU DO? 11. Testing and Evaluating Students. 12. Comprehensive or Alternate Assessment.

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