Encountering medieval textiles and dress : objects, texts, images


    • Koslin, Désirée G.
    • Snyder, Janet E.


Encountering medieval textiles and dress : objects, texts, images

edited by Désirée G. Koslin and Janet E. Snyder

(The new Middle Ages)

Palgrave Macmillan, 2002

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 8



Includes bibliographical references and index



In this wide-ranging study of costume history contributors explore fashion, textiles, and the representation of clothing in the middle ages. Essays combine the perspectives of archaeology, art history, economics, religion, costume history, material culture, and literary criticism and explore materials from England, France, the Low Countries, Scandinavia, Germany, Italy, and Ireland. The collection focuses on multiple aspects of textiles and dress - their making, meaning, and representation - and explores the impact of international trade and other forms of cultural exchange.


'As proud as a dog in a doublet': The Importance of Clothing in 'The Shoemaker's Holiday' Corps Guerrier-Birth of Fashion in the Fourteenth Century Unravelling the Mystery of Jan van Eyck's Cloths of Honour: Textiles as Sacred Object and Text From Self-sufficiency to Commerce: Structural and Artifactual Evidence for Textile Manufacture in the East of England from the Fifth to the Eleventh Centuries Simulated Textiles as an Allegorical Mode in Romanesque Wall Painting Appearance and Ideology in Merovingian Gaul Seals of Approval: An Aspect of Regulation in the Textile Trade in the Late Middle Ages Marie de France's 'Bisclavret': What the Werewolf Will and Will Not Wear Gender Journey: Change in Images of Women and Femininity when Scandinavian Viking Age met the Middle Ages The Margaret Fitzgerald Tomb Effigy: A Late Medieval Dress and Headdress in St. Canice's Cathedral, Kilkenny, Ireland Fashion in French Crusade Literature: Desiring Infidel Textiles The Dress of Medieval Religious Women: Anti-fashion incorporated versus subverted doctrine Addressing the Law: Costume as Signifier in Medieval Legal Manuscripts From Content to Form: Represented Clothing in Mid-twelfth-century Northern French Sculpture The Depiction of Contemporary Costume in Irish High Crosses Christ as a Windblown Sleeve: The Ambiguity of Clothing as a Sign Gottfreid von Strassburg's 'Tristan'

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