Serving mentally ill offenders : challenges and opportunities for mental health professionals


    • Landsberg, Gerald


Serving mentally ill offenders : challenges and opportunities for mental health professionals

Gerald Landsberg, editor ... [et al.]

(Springer series on family violence)

Springer, c2002

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 10



Includes bibliographical references and index



This comprehensive book addresses the complex issues associated with the criminalization of mentally ill offenders in the United States and the ways in which social workers and other mental health professionals can best channel their efforts to create better services and treatment. Specialists in law enforcement, community-based mental health and outreach, the legal community, the corrections environment, and substance abuse providers present best practices and programs that offer rehabilitation alternatives to mentally ill offenders. Unique to this volume is the perspective provided by key players of the criminal justice system, including a judge, a prosecutor, an advocate, a defense attorney, and a mentally ill offender. The last section provides in-depth research into the challenges of placing the dually-diagnosed offender into alternative-to-incarceration programs.

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