The social psychology of organizational behavior : key readings


    • Thompson, Leigh L.


The social psychology of organizational behavior : key readings

edited by Leigh L. Thompson

(Key readings in social psychology)

Psychology Press, c2003

  • : hc
  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 34



Includes bibliographies and indexes



Each article in this collection of readings has been carefully chosen for its tremendous impact on the field of organizational behavior. It focuses specifically on micro-organizational behavior, which has almost uniquely been influenced by social psychology. The reader is carefully structured into sections which reflect a progression through widening levels of analysis: the science of organizational behavior; decision making; negotiation and social dilemmas; groups and teams; procedural justice; relationships and trust; and values, norms and politics. This volume is in an attractive, user-friendly format and will make excellent supplementary reading to courses in social psychology, industrial and organizational psychology, and business.


Preface: Doctoral Education and Teaching in OB. Organizational Behavior: A Micro Perspective. Part 1: TheScience and Metaphor of Micro OB.B.M. Staw, Dressing Up Like an Organization: When Psychological Theories can Explain Organizational Action. R.I. Sutton, B.M. Staw, What Theory is Not. J. Pfeffer, Barriers to the Advance of Organizational Science: Paradigm Development as a Dependent Variable. Part 2: Decision Making.B.M. Staw, Knee-Deep in the Big Muddy: A Study of Escalating Commitment to a Chosen Course of Action. D. Kahneman, D.Lovallo, Timid Choices and Bold Forecasts: A Cognitive Perspective on Risk Taking. R.M. Dawes, The Robust Beauty of Improper Linear Models in Decision Making. D.Kahneman, J.L. Knetsch, R.H. Thaler, Experimental Tests of the Endowment Effect and the Coase Theorem. G.F.Loewenstein, L. Thompson, M.H. Bazerman, Social Utility and Decision Making in Interpersonal Contexts. Part 3:Negotiation and Social Dilemmas.M.H. Bazerman, T.Magliozzi, M.A. Neale, Integrative Bargaining in a Competitive Market. M.W. Morris, R.P. Larrick, S.K. Su, Misperceiving Negotiation Counterparts: When Situationally Determined Bargaining Behaviors are Attributed to Personality Traits. L. Thompson, D.Gentner, J. Loewenstein, Avoiding Missed Opportunities in Managerial Life: Analogical Training More Powerful than Individual Case Training. M.B. Brewer, R.M. Kramer, Choice Behavior in Social Dilemmas: Effects of Social Identity, Group Size and Decision Framing. Part 4: Groupsand Teams.P.B. Paulus, M.T. Dzindolet, Social Influence Processes in Group Brainstorming. D.W. Liang, R.Moreland, L. Argote, Group versus Individual Training and Group Performance: The Mediating Role of Transactive Memory. D. Gigone, R. Hastie, The Common Knowledge Effect: Information Sharing and Group Judgment. K.A.Jehn, P.P. Shah, Interpersonal Relationships and Task Performance: An Examination of Mediating Processes in Friendship and Acquaintance Groups. Part 5: ProceduralJustice.E.A. Ling, R. Kanfer, P.C. Earley, Voice, Control and Procedural Justice: Instrumental and Noninstrumental Concerns in Fairness Judgments. T.R.Tyler, The Psychology of Procedural Justice: A Test of the Group-Value Model. J. Greenberg, Stealing in the Name of Justice: Informational and Interpersonal Moderators of Theft Reactions to Underpayment Inequity. Part 6: Relationships and Trust.A. Tesser, M. Millar, J. Moore, Some Affective Consequences of Social Comparison and Reflection Processes: The Pain and Pleasure of Being Close. D.J. McAllister, Affect- and Cognition-based Trust as Foundations for Interpersonal Cooperation in Organizations. D. Krackhardt, Assessing the Political Landscape: Structure, Cognition and Power in Organizations. Part 7: Values, Norms and Politics.S.Kerr, On the Folly of Rewarding A, While Hoping for B. P.E. Tetlock, Cognitive Biases and Organizational Correctives: Do Both Disease and Cure Depend on the Politics of the Beholder? D.T. Miller, The Norm of Self-Interest.

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