The Spanish Republic at war, 1936-1939


The Spanish Republic at war, 1936-1939

Helen Graham

Cambridge University Press, 2002

  • : hbk
  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 6



Includes bibliographical references (p. 434-463) and index



This 2002 book is a comprehensive analysis of the forces of the Spanish left - interpreted broadly - during the civil war of 1936-9, and the first of its kind for more than thirty years. It argues two crucial propositions. First, that the wartime responses (and limitations) of the Spanish left - republicans, socialists, communists and anarcho-syndicalists - can be understood only in relation to their pre-war experiences, world views, organisational structures and the wider Spanish context of acute uneven development which had moulded their organisations over previous decades. Second, that the overarching influence that shaped the evolution of the Republic between 1936 and 1939 was the war itself: the book explores the complex, cumulative effects of a civil war fought under the brutally destabilising conditions of an international arms embargo.


  • Preface
  • Introduction: A fractured left: the impact of uneven development 1898-1930
  • 1. The challenge of mass political mobilisation 1931-6
  • 2. Against the state: military rebellion, political fragmentation, popular resistance and repression, 18 July-4 September 1936
  • 3. Building the war effort, building the state for total war, September 1936-February 1937
  • 4. Challenges to the centralising republic: revolutionary and liberal particularisms in Catalonia, Aragon and the Basque country
  • 5. The Barcelona May Days and their consequences, February-August 1937
  • 6. Negrin's war on three fronts
  • 7. The collapse of the Republican home front
  • Glossary
  • Bibliography.

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