Interactive TV technology and markets


    • Srivastava, Hari Om


Interactive TV technology and markets

Hari Om Srivastava

(Artech House digital audio and video library)

Artech House, c2002

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes bibliographical references and index



This forward-looking book focuses on interactive television and illustrates how it's changing the face of TV broadcasting. It provides important technical, strategic and creative expertise to assist the reader in the development of interactive systems, and his or her assessment of their future business potential. Learn how this new aesthetic, interactivity, has given rise to the development of unique design practices and embedding of extended codes and syntax in the programmes, and how bandwidth limitations associated with analogue TV signals are eliminated, as cable, satellite and terrestrial TV network operators switch to digital bandwidth, providing more interactive content, globally. Examples of content creation show how ITV programming enhances the educational and entertainment value of programmes, and how viewers are encouraged to order online goods and services featured in the programming.


Preface. Broadcasting. Enhanced and Interactive Television. Technology and Standards. Content Development. Business Model and Potential. Future of ITV. Contextual Usability. Case Studies -- Interactive TV in France, UK and Australia. Annextures -- Partners in Interactive Cable TV Trials. Projected Investments and Timeframe for building ITV Infrastructure. Interactive TV Link Attributes and their Syntax. An overview of what WebTV does and does not support. Enhanced Television Developers, Producers, and Consultants. Website of International Companies dealing with the Interactive Media. Time-line for Interactive TV. Interactive Television Glossary.

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