The neutrophil : an emerging regulator of inflammatory and immune response


The neutrophil : an emerging regulator of inflammatory and immune response

volume editor, Marco A. Cassatella

(Chemical immunology and allergy / series editors, Johannes Ring, Luciano Adorini, Claudia Berek, v. 83)

Karger, c2003

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 11



Includes bibliographical references and indexes



In the past, neutrophils were often reduced to their ability to release preformed mediators and kill pathogens. The present volume of Chemical Immunology and Allergy, however, offers a very broad and timely view by highlighting the versatile functions of neutrophils in inflammatory, immune and antitumoral responses. Leading investigators uncover novel aspects of neutrophils, such as their capacity to control gene expression at the transcriptional level, or respond to proinflammatory cytokines, cytokine receptor chains (gc) and endogenous anti-inflammatory lipid mediators. Further points under discussion are neutrophils presenting antigens, activating T cells, participating in chemokine networking, and producing IL-12 and other cytokines during infectious diseases. Among the most original findings presented in this publication figure the observations that neutrophils cause increased vascular permeability during acute inflammation, regulate directly the angiogenic process, and influence tumor development. A final article offers a detailed description of the molecular processes affecting neutrophil cell death and survival. Unique in its field, this valuable volume is recommended reading not only for immunologists and pathologists, but also for cell biologists, hematologists and immunobiologists.


  • Transcription Factor Activation in Human Neutrophils, Cloutier, A., McDonald, P.P.
  • Phenotypic and Functional Changes of Cytokine-Activated Neutrophils, Galligan, C., Yoshimura, T.
  • Expression of MHC Class II Antigen and Coreceptor Molecules in olymorphonuclear Neutrophils, H nsch, G.M., Wagner, C.
  • Phenotypic and Functional Change of Neutrophils Activated by Cytokines Utilizing the Common Cytokine Receptor Gamma Chain, Girard, D.
  • The Evolving Role of the Neutrophil in Chemokine Networks, Cheng, S.S., Kunkel, S.L.
  • Neutrophil Production of IL-12 and Other Cytokines during Microbial Infection, Denkers, E.Y., Del Rio, L.
  • Novel Pathways and Endogenous Mediators in Anti-Inflammation and Resolution, Serhan, C.N., Levy, B.
  • Regulation of Vascular Permeability by Neutrophils in Acute Inflammation, Lindbom, L.
  • Neutrophils and Angiogenesis, Potential Initiators of the Angiogenic Cascade, Benelli, R., Albini, A., Noonan, D.
  • Neutrophils in the Antitumoral Immune Response, Di Carlo, E., Forni, G., Musiani, P.
  • Regulation of Neutrophil Apoptosis, Edwards, S.W., Moulding, D.A., Derouet, M., Moots, R.J.

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  • ISBN
    • 3805575521
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
  • ページ数/冊数
    xv, 231 p.
  • 大きさ
    25 cm
  • 親書誌ID