Interactive quantum mechanics


Interactive quantum mechanics

Siegmund Brandt, Hans Dieter Dahmen, Tilo Stroh

Springer, c2003

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 13



Includes bibliographical references and index



Interactive Quantum Mechanics under Java presents the most up-to-date approach to elementary quantum mechanics. Based on the interactive program INTERQUANTA (included on a CD-ROM and ready to run under the WINDOWS, LINUX and MACINTOSH operating systems) and its extensive 3D color graphic features, the book guides its readers through computer experiments on free particles and wave packets, bound states in various potentials, coherent and squeezed states in time-dependent motion, scattering and resonances, analogies in optics, quantized angular momentum, distinguishable and indistinguishable particles, special functions of mathematical physics. A realm for everybody who wants to work on quantum mechanical problems.


Introduction.- Free Particle Motion in One Dimension.- Bound States in One Dimension.- Scattering in One Dimension.- A Two-Particle System: Coupled Harmonic Oscillators.- Free Particle Motion in Three Dimensions.- Bound States in Three Dimensions.- Scattering in Three Dimensions.- Special Functions of Mathematical Physics.- Additional Material and Hints for the Solution of Exercises.- Appendix A. A Systematic guide to IQ.- Appendix B. How to install IQ.- Subject Index.

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