International environmental law


    • Pevato, Paula M.


International environmental law

edited by Paula M. Pevato

(The library of essays in international law)

Ashgate/Dartmouth, c2003

  • : [set]
  • v. 1
  • v. 2

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 35



Includes bibliographical references and index



There is huge interest in International Environmental Law, matched by a widespread uncertainty as to which elements of International Environmental Law are really normative, how it all fits with other apparently competing norms, and whether it is an agenda being imposed by the industrialised world on developing nations. These essays have been carefully chosen to represent diversity of opinion and perspectives that are fully global. The editor's long introductory essay does much to deepen understanding of this complex but essential field of international law.


  • Conceptual Issues: G nther Handl (1990) "Environmental Security and Global Change - The Challenge to International Law"
  • Garrett Hardin (1968) "The Tragedy of the Commons"
  • Allen L. Springer (1977) "Towards a Meaningful Concept of Pollution in International Law"
  • Christopher D. Stone (1972) "Should Trees Have Standing?-Toward Legal Rights for Natural Objects"
  • Edith Brown Weiss (1990) "Our Rights and Obligations to Future Generations for the Environment". Traditional Sources of International Environmental Law: A.O. Adede (1993) "Towards New Approaches to Treaty-Making in the Field of Environment"
  • David D. Caron (1991) "Protection of the Stratospheric Ozone Layer and the Structure of International Environmental Law-Making"
  • Daniel Bodansky (1995) "Customary (and not so Customary) International Environmental Law". Contemporary Sources of International Environmental Law: Pierre-Marie Dupuy (1991) "Soft Law and the International Law of the Environment"
  • Owen McIntyre and Thomas Mosedale (1997) "The Precautionary Principle as a Norm of Customary International Law"
  • Paula M. Pevato (1999) "A Right to Environment in International Law - Current Status and Future Outlook". International Institutions and Non-Governmental Organizations: Patricia Birnie (1995) "Environmental Protection and Development"
  • Alan E. Boyle (1991) "Saving the World? Implementation and Enforcement of International Environmental Law Through International Institutions"
  • G nther Handl (1997) "Compliance Control Mechanisms and International Environmental Obligations"
  • A. Dan Tarlock (1992) "The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in the Development of International Environmental Law". The Progressive Development of International Law in the Contexts of Environment and Sustainable Development: M.A. Fitzmaurice (1994) "International Environmental Law as a Special Field"
  • Philippe Sands (1994) "International Law in the Field of Sustainable Development"
  • Donald M. Goldberg (1993) "As the World Burns - Negotiating the Framework Convention on Climate Change"
  • Abdulqawi A. Yusuf (1994) "International Law and Sustainable Development - the Convention on Biological Diversity"
  • Benjamin J. Richardson (2001) "Indigenous Peoples, International Law and Sustainability". Reconciling South-North Tensions - The Case of Transboundary Traffic in Hazardous Waste: Katharina Kummer (1992) "The International Regulation of Transboundary Traffic in Hazardous Waste - The 1989 Basel Convention"
  • Wordsworth Filo Jones (1993) "The Evolution of the Bamako Convention - An African Perspective". A Selection of Prevailing Challenges for International Environmental Co-operation: Thomas J. Schoenbaum (1997) "International Trade and Protection of the Environment - The Continuing Search for Reconciliation"
  • David M. Ong (2001) 2The Impact of Environmental Law on Corporate Governance - International and Comparative Perspectives"
  • Ibrahim F.I. Shihata (1992) "The World Bank and the Environment: a Legal Perspective.

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