The political animal : an anatomy


The political animal : an anatomy

Jeremy Paxman

(Penguin books, . Politics)

Penguin, 2003

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



Originally published: Michael Joseph, 2002

Includes bibliographical references (p. [310]-325) and index



Why don't we like politicians? In "The Political Animal", Jeremy Paxman takes a look at why governments and politicians so often fail to live up to expectations. It can be an unforgiving business for MPs - caricatured as either power-hungry hypocrites or hopeless idealists - years of effort can lead only to defeat, disgrace or obscurity. What sort of person likes having his or her business or family affairs all over the news, or mistakes trumpeted and triumphs belittled? What drives people to go into it - and what do they get from it all? Jeremy Paxman sets out to explore this strange world - and on the way gives us an unsparing, but essentially sympathetic portrait of modern politicians.


  • Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings...
  • getting on
  • getting in
  • new boys and girls
  • look at me!
  • busy doing nothing
  • power at last
  • the price of fame
  • feet of clay
  • being history.

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