A journey to the western islands of Scotland The journal of a tour to the Hebrides


A journey to the western islands of Scotland . The journal of a tour to the Hebrides

Samuel Johnson . James Boswell ; with an introduction by Allan Massie

(Everyman's library, 253)

Everyman Publishers, c2002


A journey to Scotland and the Hebrides

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 6



Bibliography: p. xxiii



When James Boswell persuaded Samuel Johnson to embark on a tour of Boswell's native Scotland in 1773, the adventure resulted in two magnificent books, Johnson's Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland and Boswell'sJournal of a Tour to the Hebrides. Johnson offers a magisterial account of what was then a remote and rugged land, while Boswell throws further light on the friend and mentor whom he immortalized in his biography. Together, they make up a brilliant portrait of two very different and very remarkable men exploring a feudal world which was soon to pass away for ever.

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