The university, globalization, Central Europe


The university, globalization, Central Europe

edited by Marek Kwiek

(Dia-Logos : Schriften zu Philosophie und Sozialwissenschaften / herausgegeben von Tadeusz Buksiński und Piotr W. Juchacz, Bd. 3)

P. Lang, c2003

  • : us

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 6



Includes bibliographical references



This book is devoted to the condition of the university under the pressures of globalization, with particular reference to Central Europe. It is intended as a companion volume for all those who combine their academic and disciplinary research with wider interests in the functioning of higher education institutions under the new pressures affecting Central Europe. Drawing on its interdisciplinary nature and the wide range of scholars involved, it intends to outline a useful map of new, often challenging, areas, topics and concerns to be taken into account in rethinking the function of the university today.

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