Field guide to urgent and ambulatory care procedures


    • James, David M. (David Michael)

Bibliographic Information

Field guide to urgent and ambulatory care procedures

[editor], David M. James

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, c2001

  • pbk.

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Includes index

Description and Table of Contents


This handy pocket guide features a "how to" approach to common problems that require immediate attention in an ambulatory care setting. The book emphasizes the ability to handle urgent and emergent care situations quickly and efficiently with a focus on low-tech procedures and skills. Descriptions are concise and provide basic procedures with the necessary skills. More than 200 illustrations supplement the text. Plus, a "Practical Tips" section for easy learning.

Table of Contents

I. THE EYE Use of the Slit Lamp Tonometry Foreign-Body Removal from the Eye II. THE NOSE Nasal Foreign-Body Removal Urgent Management of Nasal Fracture Epistaxis III. THE EAR Management of a Foreign Body in the Ear Canal and Removal of Impacted Cerumen Lacerations of the Ear Management of Auricular Hematoma IV. THE MOUTH Immediate Management of Tooth Fracture and Avulsion Lip Laceration and Vermilion Border Repair Reduction of a Dislocated Mandible Urgent Management of Dental Abscess Intraoral Anesthetic Techniques and Supraperiosteal Dental Nerve Block V. AIRWAY PROCEDURES Laryngoscopy: Direct, Indirect, and Flexible Fiberoptic Techniques Rapid-Sequence Intubation Endotracheal Intubation Cricothyroidotomy VI. THE CHEST Intercostal Nerve Blocks Needle Thoracentesis Procedures: Tension Pneumothorax and Pleural Effusions Insertion of a Chest Tube VII. CARDIOVASCULAR Intravenous Access Techniques Peripheral Venous Access Procedures for Limb Veins Percutaneous Internal Jugular Vein Catheterization Percutaneous Subclavian Vein Catheterization Percutaneous Femoral Vein Catheterization Intraosseous Venous Access Venous Cutdown Techniques Arterial Puncture: Radial, Femoral, and Brachial Pericardiocentesis Defibrillation and Emergent Cardioversion Temporary Pacing Techniques: External and Transvenous VIII. GASTROINTESTINAL Anoscopy Nasogastric Tube Placement Temporary Gastrostomy Tube Replacement with a Foley Catheter Urgent Management of Thrombosed Hemorrhoids Incision and Drainage of a Perianal Abscess Abdominal Paracentesis Peritoneal Lavage Incision and Drainage of a Pilonidal Abscess Urgent Management of Inguinal Hernia IX. GENITOURINARY Urgent Management of a Bartholin's Abscess/Cyst, Including Word Catheter Placement Postcoital Contraception Foley Catheter Insertion Urgent Management of Phimosis and Paraphimosis Urgent Management of Priapism Suprapubic Bladder Aspiration and Placement of a Suprapubic Catheter X. THE SKIN Incision and Drainage of an Abscess Urgent Management of Minor Burns and Frostbite Repair of Lacerations Urgent Management of a Sebaceous Cyst Regional Anesthetic Techniques: Field Blocks and Peripheral Nerve Blocks Tick Removal Fishhook and Skin Foreign-Body Removal XI. MUSCULOSKELETAL Aspiration and Injection of a Joint Casting Techniques A. The Hand and Wrist Incision and Drainage of a Paronychia and Felon Urgent Management of Simple Dislocation or Fracture of a Finger Ring Removal Urgent Management of Simple Metacarpal Fractures Urgent Management of Fingertip Amputations Urgent Management of Nail and Nailbed Injuries Urgent Management of Extensor Tendon Injuries of the Hand B. The Elbow Management of a Subluxed Radial Head: Nursemaid's Elbow Urgent Management of a Dislocated Elbow C. The Shoulder Urgent Management of a Shoulder Dislocation D. Pelvis and Hip Urgent Management of Hip Dislocation E. The Knee Urgent Management of a Dislocated Patella F. The Ankle and Foot Splinting of Ankle Injuries Urgent Management of an Ingrown Toenail Urgent Management of Simple Metatarsal Fractures Urgent Management of Simple Toe Fractures and Dislocations XII. ADVANCED PROCEDURES Lumbar Puncture Ultrasound Techniques in the Urgent Care Setting Emergent Childbirth Conscious Sedation

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