
The revenge for love

Wyndham Lewis ; with an introduction by Paul Edwards

(Penguin books)(Penguin modern classics)

Penguin, 2004

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 5



"Reissued in Penguin Books with a new introduction 2004" --T.p. verso

Originally published: London : Cassell, 1937



Published in the shadow of the Spanish Civil War, The Revenge for Love is a political thriller attacking the fraudulence and feeble-mindedness of life in the Britain of the 1930s. A brilliant satire on a world that has lost its sense of self and been seduced by the appeal of Communism, it is one of a handful of books (it could be compared to Orwell's Coming Up for Air or Koestler's Darkness at Noon) which defined a particular mood and to today's audience gives an unparalleled sense of how Europe turned toxic on the eve of the Second World War. A major statement by a great artist and writer The Revenge for Love now deserves a new generation of readers and is the perfect introduction to Lewis's work.

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