
Critical theory after Habermas

edited by Dieter Freundlieb, Wayne Hudson, and John Rundell

(Social and critical theory, v. 1)

Brill, 2004


Critical theory after Habermas : encounters and departures

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 13



Includes bibliographical references and index



The essays in this book engage with the broad range of Jurgen Habermas' work including politics and the public sphere, nature, aesthetics, the linguistic turn and the paradigm of intersubjectivity. Each essay responds to particular difficulties with Habermas' approach to these topics. Each contributor also draws on different theoretical and philosophical traditions in order to explore recent developments in critical theory.


1. Reasoning, Language and Intersubjectivity, Dieter Freundlieb, Wayne Hudson, John Rundell 2. Between 'Objectivism' and 'Contextualism': The Normative Foundations of Social Philosophy, Maeve Cooke 3. The Pluralistic Public Sphere from an Ontological Point of View, Dmitri Ginev 4. Irreconcilable Differences? Habermas and Feminism, Pauline Johnson 5. Postreligious Aesthetics and Critical Theory, Wayne Hudson 6. Habermas, Schelling and Nature, Peter Douglas 7. The Debate About Truth: Pragmatism without Regulative Ideas, Albrecht Wellmer 8. Why Subjectivity Matters: Critical Theory and the Philosophy of the Subject, Dieter Freundlieb 9. Subjectivity as Philosophical Principle, Dieter Henrich 10. Against a priori Intersubjectivism: An Alternative Inspired by Sartre, Manfred Frank 11. The Moral Imaginary of Discourse Ethics, Kenneth MacKendrick 12. Imaginary Turns in Critical Theory: Imagining Subjects in Tension, John Rundell

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