Sovereignty and the global community : the quest for order in the international system


    • Hensel, Howard M.


Sovereignty and the global community : the quest for order in the international system

edited by Howard M. Hensel

(Global interdisciplinary studies series)

Ashgate, c2004

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 16



Includes bibliographical references and index


  • Theocentric natural law and the norms of the global community / Howard M. Hensel
  • Constraints on sovereignty in the chemical weapons convention from the perspective of international law / Mika Nishimura
  • The challenges of sovereign borders in the post-Cold War era's refugee and humanitarian crises / Maria T. Camilleri
  • Environmental treaty compliance and southern state sovereignty / Anthony D. Lott
  • The politics of negotiation : a comparative study of Dayton and Rambouillet / Joyce P. Kaufman
  • New models of sovereignty for contested states : some empirical evidence of non-Westphalian approaches / John Doyle
  • Regional governance beyond territorial sovereignty : a cooperation model for the sustainable use of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers / F. Selcan Serdaroğlu
  • The search for innovative procedures : the OSCE approach to conflicts in the former Soviet area / Maria Raquel Freire
  • International adjudication and conflict management / Gregory A. Raymond
  • Epilogue



International normative standards constitute a major influence on the policies of states and other actors in the international system, as well as on the development of the international system itself. This case study-rich volume demonstrates the relevance of international normative ideals and standards, outlining some of the major opportunities for, and the challenges affecting, co-operation among members of the international community. Contemporary problems such as weapons of mass destruction, refugees and internally displaced persons, ethnic conflict, and the environment are all explored in this timely volume. Sovereignty and the Global Community' will prove an excellent resource for all interested in issues of sovereignty, sustainable development, resource management and the peaceful resolution of conflicts.


  • Theocentric natural law and the norms of the global community, Howard M. Hensel
  • Constraints on sovereignty in the Chemical Weapons Convention from the perspective of international law, Mika Nishimura
  • The challenges of sovereign borders in the post-Cold War era's refugee and humanitarian crises, Maria T. Camilleri
  • Environmental treaty compliance and Southern State sovereignty, Anthony D. Lott
  • The politics of negotiation: a comparative study of Dayton and Rambouillet, Joyce P. Kaufman
  • New models of sovereignty for contested states: some empirical evidence of non-Westphalian approaches, John Doyle
  • Regional governance beyond territorial sovereignty: a cooperative model for the sustainable use of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, F. Selcan Serdaroglu
  • The search for innovative procedures: the OSCE approach to conflicts in the former Soviet area, Maria Raquel Freire
  • International adjudication and conflict management, Gregory A. Raymond
  • Epilogue
  • Index.

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