Women, work and the Japanese economic miracle : the case of the cotton textile industry, 1945-1975


    • Macnaughtan, Helen


Women, work and the Japanese economic miracle : the case of the cotton textile industry, 1945-1975

Helen Macnaughtan

(Routledge studies in the modern history of Asia, 27)

RoutledgeCurzon, 2005

  • : hbk
  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 39



Includes bibliographical references (p. [220]-228) and index



This book shows how, during the period of the Japanese economic miracle, a distinctive female employment system was developed alongside, and different from, the better known Japanese employment system which was applied to male employees. Women, Work and the Japanese Economic Miracle describes and analyses the place of female workers in the cotton textile industry, which was a crucially important industry with a large workforce. In presenting detailed data on such key issues as recruitment systems, management practices and the working experience of the women involved, it demonstrates the importance for Japan's postwar economy of harnessing female labour during these years.


1. A Historical Legacy 2. Shaping the Female Labour Market 3. Recruiting Women Workers 4. Managing Women Workers 5. Educating Women Workers 6. Wages and Welfare for Women 7. Japanese Female Textile Workers in Context

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