Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress on Mathematical Education : 2000 Makuhari Japan


Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress on Mathematical Education : 2000 Makuhari Japan

editors, Hiroshi Fujita ... [et al.]

Kluwer Academic Publishers, c2004

  • : HB
  • : pbk
  • : E-bk


Proceedings of the 9th ICME

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 13



Edited by Hiroshi Fujita, Yoshihiko Hashimoto, Bernard R. Hodgson, Peng Yee Lee, Stephen Lerman and Toshio Sawada



: pbk ISBN 9781402079023


Among organizations devoted to mathematics education, The International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI) is distinctive because of its close ties to the mathematics community. The great challenges now facing mathematics education around the world demand a deeper and more sensitive involvement of disciplinary mathematicians than we now have, both in the work of educational improvements and in research on the nature of teaching and learning. This book constitutes the Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Mathematical Education (ICME9), which was held in Tokyo/Makuhari Japan, in July and August 2000. ICME9 brought together experts from 70 countries, working to understand the challenges of mathematics education including boundary crossing and collaboration, such as the need to reconcile language, epistemology, norms of evidence and, in general, all of the intellectual and attitudinal challenges that face multidisciplinary research and development.

: HB ISBN 9781402080937


Mathematics as a discipline has a long history, emerging from many cultures, with a truly universal character. Mathematicians throughout the world have a fundamentally common understanding of the nature of mathematics and of its central problems and methods. Research mathematicians in any part of the world are part of a cohesive intellectual community that communicates fluently. Among organizations devoted to mathematics education, The International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI) is distinctive because of its close ties to the mathematics community. The great challenges now facing mathematics education around the world demand a deeper and more sensitive involvement of disciplinary mathematicians than we now have, both in the work of educational improvements and in research on the nature of teaching and learning.


  • ICME 9.- International Round Table: The Role of Mathematics in General Education for the 21st Century.- Plenary Lectures.- Goals of Mathematical Education and Methodology of Applied Mathematics.- Key Issues and Trends in Research on Mathematical Education.- How Mathematics Teaching Develops Pupils' Reasoning Systems.- Developing Mathematics Education in a Systemic Process.- Regular Lectures.- Widening the lens - changing the focus: Researching and describing language practices in multilingual classrooms in South Africa.- Gaudi's Ideas for Your Classroom: Geometry for Three-Dimensional Citizens.- Cognitive Processes in Algebraic Thinking and Implications for Teaching.- A Perspective for Teaching Elementary School Mathematics based on the Research Literature.- Overcoming Obstacles to the Democratisation of Mathematics Education.- What Research Evidence Tells Us About Effective Mathematics Teaching for Children aged 6-13.- A Sociocultural Approach to Infinitesimal Calculus.- Cultural Cross-Purposes and Expectation as Barriers to Success in Mathematics.- Histrical Trends in Mathematics Education: Developing International Perspective.- The Dilemmas of Preparing Teachers to Teach Mathematics within a Constructivist Framework.- Geometry in Russian Schools: Traditions of Past and State in Present.- Towards A Theory of Learning Advanced Mathematical Concepts.- On the Role of Politics in the Development of Mathematics in Africa.- National Standards, Local Control of Curriculum: Setting the Course of Mathematics Education in the United States.- Mathematics Instruction Unbound: The Contribution of Journal ?enseignement mathematique.- Research on Student Teachers' Learning in Mathematics and Mathematics Education.- Eliciting Mathematical Ideas from Students: Towards its Realization in Japanese Curricula.- California's Back-to-Basics Policies and the 1999 Textbook Adoption.- Historical Sources in the Mathematics Classroom: Ideas and Experiences.- Mathematical Artifact Production: Broadening the View of "Doing Mathematics".- Primary Arithmetic Based on Piaget's Constructivism.- Exams in Mathematics (secondary school) - Russian Experience: Traditions, Changes, Difficulties.- When Machines Do Mathematics, then What Do Mathematics Teachers Teach?.- Narrative Elements in Mathematical Argumentations in Primary Education.- The Role of Personal Computing Technology in Mathematics Education: Today and Tomorrow.- New Technologies as a Bridge between Various Parts of Mathematics for Pre-Service Students Teachers.- History of Mathematics in Educational Research and Mathematics Teaching - the Case of Probability and Statistics.- The Socio-Cultural Turn in Studying the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics.- In Search of an East Asian Identity in Mathematics Education - the Legacy of an Old Culture and the Impact of Modern Technology.- Automated Reasoning and Educational Intelligent Platform.- Does Practice Make Perfect?.- Enhancing the Mathematical Knowledge of Primary Teachers.- Modeling the Teacher's Situation in the Classroom.- Crucial Issues in Teaching of Symbolic Expressions.- Mentoring in Mathematics Teaching and Teacher Preparation in Zimbabwe.- Computer Science and Toward an Approach in Research on Mathematical Education.- Can College Mathematics in Japan Survive?- A Project of Reform.- Student's Levels of Understanding Word Problems.- Teaching Geometry in a Changing World.- Mathematics for Mathematics Teachers -On Statistics-.- Mathematics Education for and in the Dominant and Other Cultures: A Multicultural Inquiry.- Mathematics Education for Gifted Students in Korea.- Designing Instruction of Values in School Mathematics.- Some Characteristic Features of Wasan: The Japanese Traditional Mathematics.- Reinventing the Teacher - the Teacher as Student
  • the Teacher as Scholar: the Teacher as Teacher.- The Intuitive Rules Theory: Comparison Situations and Infinite Processes.- Real-World Knowledge and the Modeling of School Word Problems.- Mathematics Education -Procedures, , Rituals and Man's Search for Meaning.- Children's Understanding of Basic Measurement Concept: A Cultural Perspective.- Mathematical Modelling In Middle School Education of China.- Visual Forms in Mathematics: Thinking, Communicating, Learning.- Mathematics Instruction through the Production of Manipulative Materails.- Working Groups for Action.- WGA 1: Mathematics Education in Pre- and Primary School.- WGA 2: Mathematics Education in Junior Secondary School.- WGA 3: Mathematics Education in Senior Secondary Schools.- WGA 4: Mathematics Education in Two-Year Colleges and Other Tertiary Institutions.- WGA 5: Mathematics Education in Universities.- WGA 6: Adult and Life-Long Education in Mathematics.- WGA 7: The Professional Pre-and In-Service Education of Mathematics Teachers.- WGA 8: Research, Practice and Theory of Mathematics Education.- WGA 9: Communication and Language in Mathematics Education.- WGA 10: Assessment in Mathematics Education.- WGA 11: The Use of Technology in Mathematics Education (computers, Calculators, IT Media).- WGA 12: The Social and Political Dimensions of Mathematics Education.- WGA 13: History and Culture in mathematics Education.- Topic Study Groups.- TSG 1: The Teaching and Learning of Algebra.- TSG 2: The Teaching and Learning of Geometry.- TSG 3: The Teaching and Learning of Calculus.- TSG 4: The Teaching and Learning of Statistics.- TSG 5: Teaching and Learning Aids and Materials(Hands-on) in Mathematics Education.- TSG 6: Distance Learning in Mathematics Education.- TSG 7: The Use of Multimedia in Mathematics Education.- TSG 8: Vocational Mathematics Education.- TSG 9: Mathematical Modeling and Links between Mathematics and Other Subjects.- TSG 10: Trends in Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences: Their Reflections on Mathematics Education.- TSG 11: Problem Solving in Mathematics Education.- TSG 12: Proof and Proving in Mathematics Education.- TSG 13: Mathematical Learning and Cognitive Processes.- TSG 14: Constructivism in Mathematics Education.- TSG 15: Mathematics Education for Students with Special Needs.- TSG 16: Creativity in Mathematics Education and the Education of Gifted Students.- TSG 17: Mathematics Education and Equity.- TSG 18: Mathematics Competitions in Mathematics Education.- TSG 19: Entrance Examinations and Public Examinations in Mathematics Education.- TSG 20: Art and Mathematics Education.- TSG 21: Ethnomathematics.- TSG 22: Topics in Mathematics Education in Asian Countries.- TSG 23: TIMSS and Comparative Studies in Mathematics Education.- Presentation by Distribution and Reports on Working Groups.- Presentation by Distribution at WGAs & TSGs.- ICMI Studies.- Summary Report of the ICMI Study: The Teaching and Learning of Mathematics at University Level.- The Role of History of Mathematics in the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics: Presentation of the ICMI Study and the Study Book.- Affiliated Study Groups.- History of Mathematics at ICME 9.- International Organisation of Women and Mathematics Education.- Psychology of Mathematics Education at ICME 9.- Report on WFNMC Meeting.- The Forum of All Chinese Mathematics Educators at ICME 9.- A Report on the Forum of All Chinese Math Educators at ICME 9.- Secretary's Closing Remarks.

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