Language and society in Japan


Language and society in Japan

Nanette Gottlieb

(Contemporary Japanese society)

Cambridge University Press, 2005

  • : hardback
  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 123



Includes bibliographical references (p. 151-165) and index



Language and Society in Japan deals with issues important to an understanding of language in Japan today, among them multilingualism, language and nationalism, and literacy and reading habits. It is organised around the theme of language and identity, in particular how language is used to construct national, international and personal identities. Contrary to popular stereotypes, Japanese is far from the only language used in Japan, and does not function in a vacuum, but comes with its own particular cultural implications. Language has played an important role in Japan's cultural and foreign policies, and language issues are intimately connected both with technological advance and with minority group experiences. Nanette Gottlieb is a leading authority in this field. This book builds on and develops her previous work, and promises to be essential reading for students, scholars, and all those wishing to understand the role played by language in Japanese society.


  • 1. The Japanese language
  • 2. Language and diversity in Japan
  • 3. Language and national identity: evolving views
  • 4. Language and identity: the policy approach
  • 5. Writing and reading in Japan
  • 6. Representation and identity: discriminatory language
  • 7. Shifting electronic identities
  • 8. Conclusion.

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