Essentials of computational chemistry : theories and models


Essentials of computational chemistry : theories and models

Christopher J. Cramer

John Wiley & Sons, c2004

2nd ed

  • pbk. : alk. paper
  • cloth : alk. paper

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 30



Includes bibliographical references and index



cloth : alk. paper ISBN 9780470091814


Essentials of Computational Chemistry provides a balanced introduction to this dynamic subject. Suitable for both experimentalists and theorists, a wide range of samples and applications are included drawn from all key areas. The book carefully leads the reader thorough the necessary equations providing information explanations and reasoning where necessary and firmly placing each equation in context.


Preface to the First Edition. Preface to the Second Edition. Acknowledgments. 1. What are Theory, Computation, and Modeling? 1.1 Definition of Terms. 1.2 Quantum Mechanics. 1.3 Computable Quantities. 1.3.1 Structure. 1.3.2 Potential Energy Surfaces. 1.3.3 Chemical Properties. 1.4 Cost and Efficiency. 1.4.1 Intrinsic Value. 1.4.2 Hardware and Software. 1.4.3 Algorithms. 1.5 Note on Units. Bibliography and Suggested Additional Reading. References. 2. Molecular Mechanics. 2.1 History and Fundamental Assumptions. 2.2 Potential Energy Functional Forms. 2.2.1 Bond Stretching. 2.2.2 Valence Angle Bending. 2.2.3 Torsions. 2.2.4 van der Waals Interactions. 2.2.5 Electrostatic Interactions. 2.2.6 Cross Terms and Additional Non bonded Terms. 2.2.7 Parameterization Strategies. 2.3 Force field Energies and Thermodynamics. 2.4 Geometry Optimization. 2.4.1 Optimization Algorithms. 2.4.2 Optimization Aspects Specific to Force Fields. 2.5 Menagerie of Modern Force Fields. 2.5.1 Available Force Fields. 2.5.2 Validation. 2.6 Force Fields and Docking. 2.7 Case Study: (2R ,4S ) 1 Hydroxy 2,4 dimethylhex 5 ene. Bibliography and Suggested Additional Reading. References. 3. Simulations of Molecular Ensembles. 3.1 Relationship Between MM Optima and Real Systems. 3.2 Phase Space and Trajectories. 3.2.1 Properties as Ensemble Averages. 3.2.2 Properties as Time Averages of Trajectories. 3.3 Molecular Dynamics. 3.3.1 Harmonic Oscillator Trajectories. 3.3.2 Non analytical Systems. 3.3.3 Practical Issues in Propagation. 3.3.4 Stochastic Dynamics. 3.4 Monte Carlo. 3.4.1 Manipulation of Phase space Integrals. 3.4.2 Metropolis Sampling. 3.5 Ensemble and Dynamical Property Examples. 3.6 Key Details in Formalism. 3.6.1 Cutoffs and Boundary Conditions. 3.6.2 Polarization. 3.6.3 Control of System Variables. 3.6.4 Simulation Convergence. 3.6.5 The Multiple Minima Problem. 3.7 Force Field Performance in Simulations. 3.8 Case Study: Silica Sodalite. Bibliography and Suggested Additional Reading. References. 4. Foundations of Molecular Orbital Theory. 4.1 Quantum Mechanics and the Wave Function. 4.2 The Hamiltonian Operator. 4.2.1 General Features. 4.2.2 The Variational Principle. 4.2.3 The Born Oppenheimer Approximation. 4.3 Construction of Trial Wave Functions. 4.3.1 The LCAO Basis Set Approach. 4.3.2 The Secular Equation. 4.4 H uckel Theory. 4.4.1 Fundamental Principles. 4.4.2 Application to the Allyl System. 4.5 Many electron Wave Functions. 4.5.1 Hartree product Wave Functions. 4.5.2 The Hartree Hamiltonian. 4.5.3 Electron Spin and Antisymmetry. 4.5.4 Slater Determinants. 4.5.5 The Hartree Fock Self consistent Field Method. Bibliography and Suggested Additional Reading. References. 5. Semiempirical Implementations of Molecular Orbital Theory. 5.1 Semiempirical Philosophy. 5.1.1 Chemically Virtuous Approximations. 5.1.2 Analytic Derivatives. 5.2 Extended Huckel Theory. 5.3 CNDO Formalism. 5.4 INDO Formalism. 5.4.1 INDO and INDO/S. 5.4.2 MINDO/3 and SINDO1. 5.5 Basic NDDO Formalism. 5.5.1 MNDO. 5.5.2 AM1. 5.5.3 PM3. 5.6 General Performance Overview of Basic NDDO Models. 5.6.1 Energetics. 5.6.2 Geometries. 5.6.3 Charge Distributions. 5.7 Ongoing Developments in Semiempirical MO Theory. 5.7.1 Use of Semiempirical Properties in SAR. 5.7.2 d Orbitals in NDDO Models. 5.7.3 SRP Models. 5.7.4 Linear Scaling. 5.7.5 Other Changes Functional Form. 5.8 Case Study: Asymmetric Alkylation of Benzaldehyde. Bibliography and Suggested Additional Reading. References. 6. Ab Initio Implementations of Hartree Fock Molecular Orbital. Theory. 6.1 Ab Initio Philosophy. 6.2 Basis Sets. 6.2.1 Functional Forms. 6.2.2 Contracted Gaussian Functions. 6.2.3 Single zeta, Multiple zeta, and Split Valence. 6.2.4 Polarization Functions. 6.2.5 Diffuse Functions. 6.2.6 The HF Limit. 6.2.7 Effective Core Potentials. 6.2.8 Sources. 6.3 Key Technical and Practical Points of Hartree Fock Theory. 6.3.1 SCF Convergence. 6.3.2 Symmetry. 6.3.3 Open shell Systems. 6.3.4 Efficiency of Implementation and Use. 6.4 General Performance Overview of Ab Initio HF Theory. 6.4.1 Energetics. 6.4.2 Geometries. 6.4.3 Charge Distributions. 6.5 Case Study: Polymerization of 4 Substituted Aromatic Enynes. Bibliography and Suggested Additional Reading. References. 7. Including Electron Correlation in Molecular Orbital Theory. 7.1 Dynamical vs. Non dynamical Electron Correlation. 7.2 Multiconfiguration Self Consistent Field Theory. 7.2.1 Conceptual Basis. 7.2.2 Active Space Specification. 7.2.3 Full Configuration Interaction. 7.3 Configuration Interaction. 7.3.1 Single determinant Reference. 7.3.2 Multireference. 7.4 Perturbation Theory. 7.4.1 General Principles. 7.4.2 Single reference. 7.4.3 Multireference. 7.4.4 First order Perturbation Theory for Some Relativistic Effects. 7.5 Coupled cluster Theory. 7.6 Practical Issues in Application. 7.6.1 Basis Set Convergence. 7.6.2 Sensitivity to Reference Wave Function. 7.6.3 Price/Performance Summary. 7.7 Parameterized Methods. 7.7.1 Scaling Correlation Energies. 7.7.2 Extrapolation. 7.7.3 Multilevel Methods. 7.8 Case Study: Ethylenedione Radical Anion. Bibliography and Suggested Additional Reading. References. 8. Density Functional Theory. 8.1 Theoretical Motivation. 8.1.1 Philosophy. 8.1.2 Early Approximations. 8.2 Rigorous Foundation. 8.2.1 The Hohenberg Kohn Existence Theorem. 8.2.2 The Hohenberg Kohn Variational Theorem. 8.3 Kohn Sham Self consistent Field Methodology. 8.4 Exchange correlation Functionals. 8.4.1 Local Density Approximation. 8.4.2 Density Gradient and Kinetic Energy Density Corrections. 8.4.3 Adiabatic Connection Methods. 8.4.4 Semiempirical DFT. 8.5 Advantages and Disadvantages of DFT Compared to MO Theory. 8.5.1 Densities vs. Wave Functions. 8.5.2 Computational Efficiency. 8.5.3 Limitations of the KS Formalism. 8.5.4 Systematic Improvability. 8.5.5 Worst case Scenarios. 8.6 General Performance Overview of DFT. 8.6.1 Energetics. 8.6.2 Geometries. 8.6.3 Charge Distributions. 8.7 Case Study: Transition Metal Catalyzed Carbonylation of Methanol. Bibliography and Suggested Additional Reading. References. 9. Charge Distribution and Spectroscopic Properties. 9.1 Properties Related to Charge Distribution. 9.1.1 Electric Multipole Moments. 9.1.2 Molecular Electrostatic Potential. 9.1.3 Partial Atomic Charges. 9.1.4 Total Spin. 9.1.5 Polarizability and Hyperpolarizability. 9.1.6 ESR Hyperfine Coupling Constants. 9.2 Ionization Potentials and Electron Affinities. 9.3 Spectroscopy of Nuclear Motion. 9.3.1 Rotational. 9.3.2 Vibrational. 9.4 NMR Spectral Properties. 9.4.1 Technical Issues. 9.4.2 Chemical Shifts and Spin spin Coupling Constants. 9.5 Case Study: Matrix Isolation of Perfluorinated p Benzyne. Bibliography and Suggested Additional Reading. References. 10. Thermodynamic Properties. 10.1 Microscopic macroscopic Connection. 10.2 Zero point Vibrational Energy. 10.3 Ensemble Properties and Basic Statistical Mechanics. 10.3.1 Ideal Gas Assumption. 10.3.2 Separability of Energy Components. 10.3.3 Molecular Electronic Partition Function. 10.3.4 Molecular Translational Partition Function. 10.3.5 Molecular Rotational Partition Function. 10.3.6 Molecular Vibrational Partition Function. 10.4 Standard state Heats and Free Energies of Formation and Reaction. 10.4.1 Direct Computation. 10.4.2 Parametric Improvement. 10.4.3 Isodesmic Equations. 10.5 Technical Caveats. 10.5.1 Semiempirical Heats of Formation. 10.5.2 Low frequency Motions. 10.5.3 Equilibrium Populations over Multiple Minima. 10.5.4 Standard state Conversions. 10.5.5 Standard state Free Energies, Equilibrium Constants, and Concentrations. 10.6 Case Study: Heat of Formation of H2NOH. Bibliography and Suggested Additional Reading. References. 11. Implicit Models for Condensed Phases. 11.1 Condensed phase Effects on Structure and Reactivity. 11.1.1 Free Energy of Transfer and Its Physical Components. 11.1.2 Solvation as It Affects Potential Energy Surfaces. 11.2 Electrostatic Interactions with a Continuum. 11.2.1 The Poisson Equation. 11.2.2 Generalized Born. 11.2.3 Conductor like Screening Model. 11.3 Continuum Models for Non electrostatic Interactions. 11.3.1 Specific Component Models. 11.3.2 Atomic Surface Tensions. 11.4 Strengths and Weaknesses of Continuum Solvation Models. 11.4.1 General Performance for Solvation Free Energies. 11.4.2 Partitioning. 11.4.3 Non isotropic Media. 11.4.4 Potentials of Mean Force and Solvent Structure. 11.4.5 Molecular Dynamics with Implicit Solvent. 11.4.6 Equilibrium vs. Non equilibrium Solvation. 11.5 Case Study: Aqueous Reductive Dechlorination of Hexachloroethane. Bibliography and Suggested Additional Reading. References. 12. Explicit Models for Condensed Phases. 12.1 Motivation. 12.2 Computing Free energy Differences. 12.2.1 Raw Differences. 12.2.2 Free energy Perturbation. 12.2.3 Slow Growth and Thermodynamic Integration. 12.2.4 Free energy Cycles. 12.2.5 Potentials of Mean Force. 12.2.6 Technical Issues and Error Analysis. 12.3 Other Thermodynamic Properties. 12.4 Solvent Models. 12.4.1 Classical Models. 12.4.2 Quantal Models. 12.5 Relative Merits of Explicit and Implicit Solvent Models. 12.5.1 Analysis of Solvation Shell Structure and Energetics. 12.5.2 Speed/Efficiency. 12.5.3 Non equilibrium Solvation. 12.5.4 Mixed Explicit/Implicit Models. 12.6 Case Study: Binding of Biotin Analogs to Avidin. Bibliography and Suggested Additional Reading. References. 13. Hybrid Quantal/Classical Models. 13.1 Motivation. 13.2 Boundaries Through Space. 13.2.1 Unpolarized Interactions. 13.2.2 Polarized QM/Unpolarized MM. 13.2.3 Fully Polarized Interactions. 13.3 Boundaries Through Bonds. 13.3.1 Linear Combinations of Model Compounds. 13.3.2 Link Atoms. 13.3.3 Frozen Orbitals. 13.4 Empirical Valence Bond Methods. 13.4.1 Potential Energy Surfaces. 13.4.2 Following Reaction Paths. 13.4.3 Generalization to QM/MM. 13.5 Case Study: Catalytic Mechanism of Yeast Enolase. Bibliography and Suggested Additional Reading. References. 14. Excited Electronic States. 14.1 Determinantal/Configurational Representation of Excited States. 14.2 Singly Excited States. 14.2.1 SCF Applicability. 14.2.2 CI Singles. 14.2.3 Rydberg States. 14.3 General Excited State Methods. 14.3.1 Higher Roots in MCSCF and CI Calculations. 14.3.2 Propagator Methods and Time dependent DFT. 14.4 Sum and Projection Methods. 14.5 Transition Probabilities. 14.6 Solvatochromism. 14.7 Case Study: Organic Light Emitting Diode Alq3. Bibliography and Suggested Additional Reading. References. 15. Adiabatic Reaction Dynamics. 15.1 Reaction Kinetics and Rate Constants. 15.1.1 Unimolecular Reactions. 15.1.2 Bimolecular Reactions. 15.2 Reaction Paths and Transition States. 15.3 Transition state Theory. 15.3.1 Canonical Equation. 15.3.2 Variational Transition state Theory. 15.3.3 Quantum Effects on the Rate Constant. 15.4 Condensed phase Dynamics. 15.5 Non adiabatic Dynamics. 15.5.1 General Surface Crossings. 15.5.2 Marcus Theory. 15.6 Case Study: Isomerization of Propylene Oxide. Bibliography and Suggested Additional Reading. References. Appendix A: Acronym Glossary. Appendix B: Symmetry and Group Theory. B.1 Symmetry Elements. B.2 Molecular Point Groups and Irreducible Representations. B.3 Assigning Electronic State Symmetries. B.4 Symmetry in the Evaluation of Integrals and Partition Functions. Appendix C: Spin Algebra. C.1 Spin Operators. C.2 Pure and Mixed spin Wave Functions. C.3 UHF Wave Functions. C.4 Spin Projection/Annihilation. Reference. Appendix D: Orbital Localization. D.1 Orbitals as Empirical Constructs. D.2 Natural Bond Orbital Analysis. References. Index.

pbk. : alk. paper ISBN 9780470091821


Essentials of Computational Chemistry provides a balanced introduction to this dynamic subject. Suitable for both experimentalists and theorists, a wide range of samples and applications are included drawn from all key areas. The book carefully leads the reader thorough the necessary equations providing information explanations and reasoning where necessary and firmly placing each equation in context.


Preface to the First Edition xv Preface to the Second Edition xix Acknowledgments xxi 1 What are Theory, Computation, and Modeling? 1 1.1 Definition of Terms 1 1.2 Quantum Mechanics 4 1.3 Computable Quantities 5 1.3.1 Structure 5 1.3.2 Potential Energy Surfaces 6 1.3.3 Chemical Properties 10 1.4 Cost and Efficiency 11 1.4.1 Intrinsic Value 11 1.4.2 Hardware and Software 12 1.4.3 Algorithms 14 1.5 Note on Units 15 Bibliography and Suggested Additional Reading 15 References 16 2 Molecular Mechanics 17 2.1 History and Fundamental Assumptions 17 2.2 Potential Energy Functional Forms 19 2.2.1 Bond Stretching 19 2.2.2 Valence Angle Bending 21 2.2.3 Torsions 22 2.2.4 van der Waals Interactions 27 2.2.5 Electrostatic Interactions 30 2.2.6 Cross Terms and Additional Non-bonded Terms 34 2.2.7 Parameterization Strategies 36 2.3 Force-field Energies and Thermodynamics 39 2.4 Geometry Optimization 40 2.4.1 Optimization Algorithms 41 2.4.2 Optimization Aspects Specific to Force Fields 46 2.5 Menagerie of Modern Force Fields 50 2.5.1 Available Force Fields 50 2.5.2 Validation 59 2.6 Force Fields and Docking 62 2.7 Case Study: (2R ,4S )-1-Hydroxy-2,4-dimethylhex-5-ene 64 Bibliography and Suggested Additional Reading 66 References 67 3 Simulations of Molecular Ensembles 69 3.1 Relationship Between MM Optima and Real Systems 69 3.2 Phase Space and Trajectories 70 3.2.1 Properties as Ensemble Averages 70 3.2.2 Properties as Time Averages of Trajectories 71 3.3 Molecular Dynamics 72 3.3.1 Harmonic Oscillator Trajectories 72 3.3.2 Non-analytical Systems 74 3.3.3 Practical Issues in Propagation 77 3.3.4 Stochastic Dynamics 79 3.4 Monte Carlo 80 3.4.1 Manipulation of Phase-space Integrals 80 3.4.2 Metropolis Sampling 81 3.5 Ensemble and Dynamical Property Examples 82 3.6 Key Details in Formalism 88 3.6.1 Cutoffs and Boundary Conditions 88 3.6.2 Polarization 90 3.6.3 Control of System Variables 91 3.6.4 Simulation Convergence 93 3.6.5 The Multiple Minima Problem 96 3.7 Force Field Performance in Simulations 98 3.8 Case Study: Silica Sodalite 99 Bibliography and Suggested Additional Reading 101 References 102 4 Foundations of Molecular Orbital Theory 105 4.1 Quantum Mechanics and the Wave Function 105 4.2 The Hamiltonian Operator 106 4.2.1 General Features 106 4.2.2 The Variational Principle 108 4.2.3 The Born-Oppenheimer Approximation 110 4.3 Construction of Trial Wave Functions 111 4.3.1 The LCAO Basis Set Approach 111 4.3.2 The Secular Equation 113 4.4 Huckel Theory 115 4.4.1 Fundamental Principles 115 4.4.2 Application to the Allyl System 116 4.5 Many-electron Wave Functions 119 4.5.1 Hartree-product Wave Functions 120 4.5.2 The Hartree Hamiltonian 121 4.5.3 Electron Spin and Antisymmetry 122 4.5.4 Slater Determinants 124 4.5.5 The Hartree-Fock Self-consistent Field Method 126 Bibliography and Suggested Additional Reading 129 References 130 5 Semiempirical Implementations of Molecular Orbital Theory 131 5.1 Semiempirical Philosophy 131 5.1.1 Chemically Virtuous Approximations 131 5.1.2 Analytic Derivatives 133 5.2 Extended Huckel Theory 134 5.3 CNDO Formalism 136 5.4 INDO Formalism 139 5.4.1 INDO and INDO/S 139 5.4.2 MINDO/3 and SINDO1 141 5.5 Basic NDDO Formalism 143 5.5.1 MNDO 143 5.5.2 AM1 145 5.5.3 PM3 146 5.6 General Performance Overview of Basic NDDO Models 147 5.6.1 Energetics 147 5.6.2 Geometries 150 5.6.3 Charge Distributions 151 5.7 Ongoing Developments in Semiempirical MO Theory 152 5.7.1 Use of Semiempirical Properties in SAR 152 5.7.2 d Orbitals in NDDO Models 153 5.7.3 SRP Models 155 5.7.4 Linear Scaling 157 5.7.5 Other Changes in Functional Form 157 5.8 Case Study: Asymmetric Alkylation of Benzaldehyde 159 Bibliography and Suggested Additional Reading 162 References 163 6 Ab Initio Implementations of Hartree-Fock Molecular Orbital Theory 165 6.1 Ab Initio Philosophy 165 6.2 Basis Sets 166 6.2.1 Functional Forms 167 6.2.2 Contracted Gaussian Functions 168 6.2.3 Single- , Multiple- , and Split-Valence 170 6.2.4 Polarization Functions 173 6.2.5 Diffuse Functions 176 6.2.6 The HF Limit 176 6.2.7 Effective Core Potentials 178 6.2.8 Sources 180 6.3 Key Technical and Practical Points of Hartree-Fock Theory 180 6.3.1 SCF Convergence 181 6.3.2 Symmetry 182 6.3.3 Open-shell Systems 188 6.3.4 Efficiency of Implementation and Use 190 6.4 General Performance Overview of Ab Initio HF Theory 192 6.4.1 Energetics 192 6.4.2 Geometries 196 6.4.3 Charge Distributions 198 6.5 Case Study: Polymerization of 4-Substituted Aromatic Enynes 199 Bibliography and Suggested Additional Reading 201 References 201 7 Including Electron Correlation in Molecular Orbital Theory 203 7.1 Dynamical vs. Non-dynamical Electron Correlation 203 7.2 Multiconfiguration Self-Consistent Field Theory 205 7.2.1 Conceptual Basis 205 7.2.2 Active Space Specification 207 7.2.3 Full Configuration Interaction 211 7.3 Configuration Interaction 211 7.3.1 Single-determinant Reference 211 7.3.2 Multireference 216 7.4 Perturbation Theory 216 7.4.1 General Principles 216 7.4.2 Single-reference 219 7.4.3 Multireference 223 7.4.4 First-order Perturbation Theory for Some Relativistic Effects 223 7.5 Coupled-cluster Theory 224 7.6 Practical Issues in Application 227 7.6.1 Basis Set Convergence 227 7.6.2 Sensitivity to Reference Wave Function 230 7.6.3 Price/Performance Summary 235 7.7 Parameterized Methods 237 7.7.1 Scaling Correlation Energies 238 7.7.2 Extrapolation 239 7.7.3 Multilevel Methods 239 7.8 Case Study: Ethylenedione Radical Anion 244 Bibliography and Suggested Additional Reading 246 References 247 8 Density Functional Theory 249 8.1 Theoretical Motivation 249 8.1.1 Philosophy 249 8.1.2 Early Approximations 250 8.2 Rigorous Foundation 252 8.2.1 The Hohenberg-Kohn Existence Theorem 252 8.2.2 The Hohenberg-Kohn Variational Theorem 254 8.3 Kohn-Sham Self-consistent Field Methodology 255 8.4 Exchange-correlation Functionals 257 8.4.1 Local Density Approximation 258 8.4.2 Density Gradient and Kinetic Energy Density Corrections 263 8.4.3 Adiabatic Connection Methods 264 8.4.4 Semiempirical DFT 268 8.5 Advantages and Disadvantages of DFT Compared to MO Theory 271 8.5.1 Densities vs. Wave Functions 271 8.5.2 Computational Efficiency 273 8.5.3 Limitations of the KS Formalism 274 8.5.4 Systematic Improvability 278 8.5.5 Worst-case Scenarios 278 8.6 General Performance Overview of DFT 280 8.6.1 Energetics 280 8.6.2 Geometries 291 8.6.3 Charge Distributions 294 8.7 Case Study: Transition-Metal Catalyzed Carbonylation of Methanol 299 Bibliography and Suggested Additional Reading 300 References 301 9 Charge Distribution and Spectroscopic Properties 305 9.1 Properties Related to Charge Distribution 305 9.1.1 Electric Multipole Moments 305 9.1.2 Molecular Electrostatic Potential 308 9.1.3 Partial Atomic Charges 309 9.1.4 Total Spin 324 9.1.5 Polarizability and Hyperpolarizability 325 9.1.6 ESR Hyperfine Coupling Constants 327 9.2 Ionization Potentials and Electron Affinities 330 9.3 Spectroscopy of Nuclear Motion 331 9.3.1 Rotational 332 9.3.2 Vibrational 334 9.4 NMR Spectral Properties 344 9.4.1 Technical Issues 344 9.4.2 Chemical Shifts and Spin-spin Coupling Constants 345 9.5 Case Study: Matrix Isolation of Perfluorinated p-Benzyne 349 Bibliography and Suggested Additional Reading 351 References 351 10 Thermodynamic Properties 355 10.1 Microscopic-macroscopic Connection 355 10.2 Zero-point Vibrational Energy 356 10.3 Ensemble Properties and Basic Statistical Mechanics 357 10.3.1 Ideal Gas Assumption 358 10.3.2 Separability of Energy Components 359 10.3.3 Molecular Electronic Partition Function 360 10.3.4 Molecular Translational Partition Function 361 10.3.5 Molecular Rotational Partition Function 362 10.3.6 Molecular Vibrational Partition Function 364 10.4 Standard-state Heats and Free Energies of Formation and Reaction 366 10.4.1 Direct Computation 367 10.4.2 Parametric Improvement 370 10.4.3 Isodesmic Equations 372 10.5 Technical Caveats 375 10.5.1 Semiempirical Heats of Formation 375 10.5.2 Low-frequency Motions 375 10.5.3 Equilibrium Populations over Multiple Minima 377 10.5.4 Standard-state Conversions 378 10.5.5 Standard-state Free Energies, Equilibrium Constants, and Concentrations 379 10.6 Case Study: Heat of Formation of H2NOH 381 Bibliography and Suggested Additional Reading 383 References 383 11 Implicit Models for Condensed Phases 385 11.1 Condensed-phase Effects on Structure and Reactivity 385 11.1.1 Free Energy of Transfer and Its Physical Components 386 11.1.2 Solvation as It Affects Potential Energy Surfaces 389 11.2 Electrostatic Interactions with a Continuum 393 11.2.1 The Poisson Equation 394 11.2.2 Generalized Born 402 11.2.3 Conductor-like Screening Model 404 11.3 Continuum Models for Non-electrostatic Interactions 406 11.3.1 Specific Component Models 406 11.3.2 Atomic Surface Tensions 407 11.4 Strengths and Weaknesses of Continuum Solvation Models 410 11.4.1 General Performance for Solvation Free Energies 410 11.4.2 Partitioning 416 11.4.3 Non-isotropic Media 416 11.4.4 Potentials of Mean Force and Solvent Structure 419 11.4.5 Molecular Dynamics with Implicit Solvent 420 11.4.6 Equilibrium vs. Non-equilibrium Solvation 421 11.5 Case Study: Aqueous Reductive Dechlorination of Hexachloroethane 422 Bibliography and Suggested Additional Reading 424 References 425 12 Explicit Models for Condensed Phases 429 12.1 Motivation 429 12.2 Computing Free-energy Differences 429 12.2.1 Raw Differences 430 12.2.2 Free-energy Perturbation 432 12.2.3 Slow Growth and Thermodynamic Integration 435 12.2.4 Free-energy Cycles 437 12.2.5 Potentials of Mean Force 439 12.2.6 Technical Issues and Error Analysis 443 12.3 Other Thermodynamic Properties 444 12.4 Solvent Models 445 12.4.1 Classical Models 445 12.4.2 Quantal Models 447 12.5 Relative Merits of Explicit and Implicit Solvent Models 448 12.5.1 Analysis of Solvation Shell Structure and Energetics 448 12.5.2 Speed/Efficiency 450 12.5.3 Non-equilibrium Solvation 450 12.5.4 Mixed Explicit/Implicit Models 451 12.6 Case Study: Binding of Biotin Analogs to Avidin 452 Bibliography and Suggested Additional Reading 454 References 455 13 Hybrid Quantal/Classical Models 457 13.1 Motivation 457 13.2 Boundaries Through Space 458 13.2.1 Unpolarized Interactions 459 13.2.2 Polarized QM/Unpolarized MM 461 13.2.3 Fully Polarized Interactions 466 13.3 Boundaries Through Bonds 467 13.3.1 Linear Combinations of Model Compounds 467 13.3.2 Link Atoms 473 13.3.3 Frozen Orbitals 475 13.4 Empirical Valence Bond Methods 477 13.4.1 Potential Energy Surfaces 478 13.4.2 Following Reaction Paths 480 13.4.3 Generalization to QM/MM 481 13.5 Case Study: Catalytic Mechanism of Yeast Enolase 482 Bibliography and Suggested Additional Reading 484 References 485 14 Excited Electronic States 487 14.1 Determinantal/Configurational Representation of Excited States 487 14.2 Singly Excited States 492 14.2.1 SCF Applicability 493 14.2.2 CI Singles 496 14.2.3 Rydberg States 498 14.3 General Excited State Methods 499 14.3.1 Higher Roots in MCSCF and CI Calculations 499 14.3.2 Propagator Methods and Time-dependent DFT 501 14.4 Sum and Projection Methods 504 14.5 Transition Probabilities 507 14.6 Solvatochromism 511 14.7 Case Study: Organic Light Emitting Diode Alq3 513 Bibliography and Suggested Additional Reading 515 References 516 15 Adiabatic Reaction Dynamics 519 15.1 Reaction Kinetics and Rate Constants 519 15.1.1 Unimolecular Reactions 520 15.1.2 Bimolecular Reactions 521 15.2 Reaction Paths and Transition States 522 15.3 Transition-state Theory 524 15.3.1 Canonical Equation 524 15.3.2 Variational Transition-state Theory 531 15.3.3 Quantum Effects on the Rate Constant 533 15.4 Condensed-phase Dynamics 538 15.5 Non-adiabatic Dynamics 539 15.5.1 General Surface Crossings 539 15.5.2 Marcus Theory 541 15.6 Case Study: Isomerization of Propylene Oxide 544 Bibliography and Suggested Additional Reading 546 References 546 Appendix A Acronym Glossary 549 Appendix B Symmetry and Group Theory 557 B.1 Symmetry Elements 557 B.2 Molecular Point Groups and Irreducible Representations 559 B.3 Assigning Electronic State Symmetries 561 B.4 Symmetry in the Evaluation of Integrals and Partition Functions 562 Appendix C Spin Algebra 565 C.1 Spin Operators 565 C.2 Pure- and Mixed-spin Wave Functions 566 C.3 UHF Wave Functions 571 C.4 Spin Projection/Annihilation 571 Reference 574 Appendix D Orbital Localization 575 D.1 Orbitals as Empirical Constructs 575 D.2 Natural Bond Orbital Analysis 578 References 579 Index 581

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