Companies, international trade and human rights


Companies, international trade and human rights

Janet Dine

(Cambridge studies in corporate law)

Cambridge University Press, 2005

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 12



Includes bibliographical references (p. 293-308) and index



Originally published in 2005, this book focuses on the role of corporations within the trading system, and the complex relationships between corporations, nation states and international organisations. The actions and motives that drive corporations are considered as well as the structure of the international trading system. Remedial devices such as Codes of Conduct and Human Rights instruments are assessed for effectiveness. The book seeks reasons for what is a growing understanding that international trading regimes are not meeting objectives found in many international agreements, including both the international trade agreements themselves (WTO, GATT, TRIPS etc.) and human rights instruments. In particular, it is clear that the prevalence and severity of poverty is not being adequately addressed. This work sets out to investigate the role played by companies in this failure in the globalisation of trade to realise its aims, in particular the failure to achieve the minimum of basic rights, the right to food.


  • Preface
  • Table of statutes, agreements, covenants and treaties
  • Table of cases
  • List of abbreviation
  • 1. A global crisis?
  • 2. Why we are here
  • 3. The institutional framework
  • 4. Relationship between Companies and Human Rights Law
  • 5. Corporate social responsibility
  • 6. Understanding property rights: companies, states and the duty of international co-operation
  • Bibliography
  • Index.

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