
Social and economic life in Byzantium

Nicolas Oikonomides ; edited by Elizabeth Zachariadou

(Variorum collected studies series, CS799)

Ashgate, c2004

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 5



Includes bibliographical references and index

"The articles in this volume, as in all others in the Variorum Cllected Studies Series, have not been given a new, continuous pagination."--[viii] p.



Social and Economic Life in Byzantium is the third selection of papers by the late Nicolas Oikonomides to be published in the Variorum Collected Studies Series; a fourth, Society, Culture and Politics in Byzantium, will follow in 2005. The present volume is centred upon the period from the 9th to the 11th century, and a series of examinations into the society and economic activity of the Byzantine world. Other groups of studies investigate relations between state and church, monasteries in particular, aspects of the history of the Slavs in the Balkans, and topics in Byzantine epigraphy.


  • Contents: Introduction, Michael McCormick
  • Church and State: Tax exemptions for the secular clergy under Basil II
  • La brebis egaree et retrouvee: l'apostat et son retour
  • The first century of the Monastery of Hosios Loukas
  • Le bateau de Chilandar
  • O Athos kai to Stouditikou protypo koinobiou
  • To dikastiko pronomio tes Neas Mones Chiou
  • The monastery of Patmos in the 11th and 12th Centuries and its economic functions. Society and Economy: Silk trade and production in Byzantium from the 6th to the 9th century: the seals of kommerkiarioi
  • De l'impAt de distribution A l'impAt de quotite: A propos du premier cadastre byzantin (7e-9e siecle)
  • Middle-Byzantine provincial recruits: salary and armament
  • Terres du fisc et revenu de la terre aux Xe-XIe siecles
  • Le marchand byzantin des provinces (IXe-XIe s.)
  • The economic region of Constantinople: from directed economy to free economy, and the role of the Italians
  • Se poio bathmo etan ekchrematismene e mesobyzantine oikonomia?
  • The Jews of Chios (1049): a group of excusati
  • The social structure of the Byzantine countryside in the first half of the 10th century
  • Title and income at the Byzantine court
  • To oplo tou chrematos
  • Il livello economico di Creta negli anni intorno al 1204
  • Liens de vassalite dans un apanage byzantin du XIIe siecle
  • Life and society in 11th-century Constantinople
  • The contents of the Byzantine house from the 11th to the 15th century. The Balkans and the Slavs: The medieval Via Egnatia
  • St Andrew, Joseph the Hymnographer and the Slavs of Patras
  • A propos de la premiere occupation byzantine de la Bulgarie (971-ca 986)
  • A note on the campaign of Staurakios in the Peloponnese (783/84). Epigraphy: Pour une nouvelle lecture des inscriptions de Skripou en Beotie
  • L'epigraphie des bulles de plomb byzantines
  • Le tour du grand chartulaire Lapardas A Thessalonique
  • Index.

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