
Callimachus II

edited by M.A. Harder, R.F. Regtuit, G.C. Wakker

(Hellenistica Groningana, 7 . Proceedings of the Groningen Workshops on Hellenistic Poetry)

Peeters, 2004


Callimachus 2

Callimachus two

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 4



Papers of the Groningen Workshop on Hellenistic Poetry 6: Callimachus II, Groningen, 2002

Includes bibliographical references and indexes



This volume contains the papers of the 'Groningen Workshop on Hellenistic Poetry 6: Callimachus' (Groningen 2002). During the workshop a first draft of the papers was discussed and commented on by an international group of specialists in the field of Hellenistic poetry. The volume contains a wide range of articles. It provides a survey of current developments in research on one of the most influential authors of Hellenistic poetry and reflects the large amount of scholarly interest in Callimachus during the last decade. In the papers there is a particular focus on issues of metapoetics, intertextuality, fictional orality, the impact of poetic collections and the function of Callimachus' poetry in Ptolemaic Alexandria as well as an interest in the reception of Callimachus' poetry among Roman poets. The volume is part of a series. Every two years a Workshop on Hellenistic poetry takes place at the University of Groningen, the papers of which are published in the series 'Hellenistica Groningana'.

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