Globalization and the nation state : the impact of the IMF and the World Bank


Globalization and the nation state : the impact of the IMF and the World Bank

edited by Gustav Ranis, James Raymond Vreeland and Stephen Kosack

(Routledge studies in the modern world economy, 52)

Routledge, 2006

  • : hbk
  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 36



Includes bibliographical references and indexes



This book brings together an international team of contributors to assess the political economy of the IMF and World Bank programmes. The cutting-edge techniques of the new political economy are thus brought to bear on international issues for the first time. The book includes contributions from leading North American economists - Stephen Coate, Stephen Morris, Ravi Kanbur and Allen Drazen - as well as European-based analysts including Graham Bird and Frances Stewart.


1. Whither Conditionality 2. The International and Domestic Politics of IFI Programs 3. Possible Reforms of the IFIs 4. Reflections on the International Infrastructure

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