Images of empires : photographic sources for the British in the Sudan


Images of empires : photographic sources for the British in the Sudan

by Martin Daly and Jane Hogan

(Sources for African history, v. 3)

Brill, 2005

  • pbk. : alk. paper

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 5



Includes bibliographical references and index



This book highlights the richness of photographic sources for the study of one European colonial entity in Africa, the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. Photographs from the extraordinary Sudan Archive of the University of Durham illustrate important aspects of the colonial experience and provide both important information in their own right and essential context for the study of the period. An introductory essay surveys the era, the documentary sources for its study, and the nature of the photographic record. The book will serve as both a model and an inspiration for the discovery, collection, conservation, and use of photographs as sources for the study of other outposts of the British Empire.

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