Social history ; Morellet ; Social anthropology ; History of the book



Social history ; Morellet ; Social anthropology ; History of the book

(SVEC, 2005:12)

Voltaire Foundation, 2005

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 14



Includes bibliographical references



Presents a study of the social history of the Eighteenth century.


I. Besterman Prize 2005 Myrtille Mericam, Presence de l'Antiquite dans l'oeuvre de Voltaire: quelques reflexions sur la figure de Jules Cesar Sean Takats, Science without scientists: modern cooking in the eighteenth century II. Social history David Garrioch, La secularisation precoce de Paris au dix-huitieme siecle Mary Trouille, Buried alive: Genlis's Gothic tale of marital violence in 'Histoire de la Duchesse de C***' III. Morellet Dorothy Medlin, Andre Morellet and the Trudaines Dorothy Medlin, 'Vive Louis-le-desire!': Andre Morellet et la restauration de la monarchie, 1814-1817 Jeffrey Merrick, Corruption versus honnetete: Morellet's assessment of the French political scene in May 1774 IV. Social anthropology Benoit De Baere, La philosophie de l'homme de Buffon et son defi a l'egard de l''inhumaine alliance des choses' V. History of the book Claudine Poulouin, Les paradoxes de la publication des textes de Fontenelle: discretion, dissimulation, affirmation de soi Frank A. Kafker and Jeff Loveland, The elusive Laurent Durand, a leading publisher of the French Enlightenment Paul Benhamou, Diffusion of forbidden books: four case studies Summaries

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  • SVEC

    Voltaire Foundation


