Centre-right parties in post-communist East-Central Europe



Centre-right parties in post-communist East-Central Europe

edited by Aleks Szczerbiak and Seán Hanley

Routledge, 2006


Center-right parties in post-communist East-Central Europe

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 4



Simultaneously published in the USA and Canada

Includes bibliographical references and index


  • Understanding the politics of the right in contemporary East-Central Europe / Aleks szczerbiak and Seán Hanley
  • Getting the right right : redefining the centre-right in post-communist Europe / Seán Hanley
  • Blue Velvet : the rise and decline of the new Czech right / Seán Hanley
  • The Polish centre-right's (last?) best hope : the rise and fall of solidarity electoral action / Aleks Szczerbiak
  • Concentrated orange : fidesz and the remaking of the Hungarian centre-right, 1994-2002 / Brigid Fowler
  • All right now? : explaining the successes and failures of the Slovak centre-right / Tim Haughton and Marek Rybář
  • What is the right way in east-Central Europe? : concluding remarks / Paul G. Lewis



This is the first book to cover the centre-right in post-communist Eastern Europe. It makes an vital contribution to the broader research agenda on the Central and East European centre-right by focusing on one specific question: why strong and cohesive centre-right formations have developed in some post-communist states, but not others. It also delves into the attempts to develop centre-right parties after 1989 in four nations: the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. The authors of these fresh case studies use a common analytical framework to analyse and provide fascinating insights into the varying levels of cohesion in centre-right parties across the region. This volume was previously published as a special issue of the Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics.


1. Introduction2. Getting the Centre-Right Right in Central and Eastern Europe3. The Czech Republic (focusing on the Civic Democratic Party)4. Hungary (focusing on Fidesz) 5. Poland (focusing on Solidarity Electoral Action)6. Slovakia7. Conclusion

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