Globus toolkit 4 : programming Java services


    • Sotomayor, Borja
    • Childers, Lisa


Globus toolkit 4 : programming Java services

Borja Sotomayor, Lisa Childers

(Elsevier series in grid computing)

Elsevier, c2006

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 5



Includes index



The Globus Toolkit is a key technology in Grid Computing, the exciting new computing paradigm that allows users to share processing power, data, storage, and other computing resources across institutional and geographic boundaries. Globus Toolkit 4: Programming Java Services provides an introduction to the latest version of this widely acclaimed toolkit. Based on the popular web-based The Globus Toolkit 4 Programmer's Tutorial, this book far surpasses that document, providing greater detail, quick reference appendices, and many additional examples. If you're making the leap into Grid Computing using the Globus Toolkit, you'll want Globus Toolkit 4: Programming Java Services at your side as you take your first steps.


Foreword / Preface / ((PART 1: KEY CONCEPTS)) / CH 1: Grid Computing / CH 2: OGSA, WSRF, and GT4 / CH 3: Web Services / CH 4: WSRF / CH 5: The Globus Toolkit 4 / ((PART II: GT JAVA WS CORE)) / CH 6: Writing Your First Stateful Web Service in 5 Simple Steps / CH 7: Singleton Resources / CH 8: Multiple Resources / CH 9: Logging / CH 10: Resource Properties / CH 11: Lifecycle Management / CH 12: Persistent Resources / CH 13: Notifications / CH 14: Implementing Your Own Operation Providers / ((PART III: GT4 SECURITY)) / CH 15: Fundamental Security Concepts / CH 16: GSI: Grid Security Concepts / CH 17: Writing a Secure Math Service / CH 18: The Security Descriptor / CH 19: Authentication / CH 20: Authorization / CH 21: Resource-Level Security / CH 22: Run-As Modes and Delegation / ((PART IV: The File Buy Application)) / CH 23: Design / CH 24: Implementation / ((Conclusion: The Next Step: Higher-Level Services)) / ((PART V: Appendices)) / Appendix A: Installing the Globus Toolkit 4 / Appendix B: A WSDL Primer / Appendix C: Command-line Clients / Appendix D: Examples / Appendix E: Globus-Build-Service Script Reference / Reference

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