The Milne papers : the papers of Admiral of the Fleet Sir Alexander Milne, Bt., K.C.B. (1806-1896)


    • Milne, Alexander
    • Beeler, John


The Milne papers : the papers of Admiral of the Fleet Sir Alexander Milne, Bt., K.C.B. (1806-1896)

edited by John Beeler

(Publications of the Navy Records Society, vol. 147, 162)

Ashgate, 2004-

  • v. 1
  • v. 2

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes bibliographical references and indexes

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v. 1 ISBN 9780754650638


Alexander Milne was the pre-eminent naval administrator of the Victorian Royal Navy, spending eighteen years at the Admiralty between 1847 and 1876, over six of them as First Naval Lord. His administrative career coincided exactly with the greatest technological upheaval in warfare at sea since sails supplanted oars, and he played an important role in almost every step of the Navy's transformation from sail to steam, wood to iron, and in the equally critical processes of devising a modern system of recruiting and training enlisted personnel, and evolving a coherent strategy suitable for a steam-powered fleet. This collection is drawn from a rich documentary record of Milne's and the Board's labours during the late 1840s and 1850s. It also encompasses Milne's earlier sea service, furnishing a unique glimpse of the maritime policing operations of the Navy during the Pax Britannica.


  • Contents: Introduction
  • Service afloat, 1817-30
  • Commander and Captain, 1837-41
  • Flag Captain, 1841-47
  • The admirality, 1847-53
  • The Russian War, 1854-55
  • The admirality, 1855-59
  • List of documents
  • General index
  • Ship index.

v. 2 ISBN 9781409446866


Centred upon a man who never participated in combat operations during his sixty-year naval career, this volume depicts the routine peacetime operations of the mid-Victorian Royal Navy, operations that have received short shrift in naval histories, even though they have constituted the bulk of the service's mission during the past two centuries. Not surprisingly, the Navy operated in support of the liberal state and its agenda, as many of the documents in this collection make clear. Following the Monroe Doctrine in 1823, both Britain and the United States moved quickly to exploit new trade opportunities and for the next seventy years it was the Royal Navy that enforced the Doctrine, to the benefit of British commercial interests, but also to those of the United States and of any other country engaged in legitimate trade in the hemisphere. The service took the lead in combating piracy and the slave trade, and upheld the rule of law across global trade routes. The documents that comprise this volume therefore deal with topics of interest to scholars of international relations, Anglo-American affairs, the U.S. Civil War and the slave trade. Other aspects addressed include naval medicine, steam-era logistics and other elements of the Royal Navy's modernization pertaining to its materiel, personnel, and administration.


  • Contents: Introduction. Part I: February-November 1860. Part II: December 1860-June 1861. Part III: July-October 1861. Part IV: November 1861-January 1862. List of sources and documents
  • Indexes.

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