State practice regarding state immunities La pratique des etats concernant les immunités des etats


State practice regarding state immunities = La pratique des etats concernant les immunités des etats

edited by Council of Europe, and Gerhard Hafner, Marcelo G. Kohen, and Susan Breau

Martinus Nijhoff, c2006

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 11



Edited ... on behalf of Department of European, International and Comparative Law of the Vienna University, Austria : Graduate Institute of International Studies, Switzerland : British Institute of International and Comparative Law, United Kingdom

English and French on opposite pages numbered in duplicate (xiii, xiii, 247, 247 p., p. 706-751, p. 706-751)

Some German text

Includes bibliographies



This volume compares State practice with the relevant articles of the UN Convention, the European Convention on State Immunity and the draft articles prepared by academic institutions. It is the first in depth-analysis of European State practice in the field of State immunity. Such a broad analysis is essential, in particular for the ascertainment of customary international law.


  • Foreword
  • Introduction
  • List of contributors
  • PART I - Analytical Report Chapter 1- Definition of "State"
  • Chapter 2 - The Definition of Commercial Acts
  • Chapter 3 - The Distinction between State Immunity and Diplomatic Immunity
  • Chapter 4 - Waiver of Immunity
  • Chapter 5 - State Immunity Regarding Employment Contracts
  • Chapter 6 - Personal Injuries and Damage to Property
  • Chapter 7 - Ownership Possession and Use of Property
  • Chapter 8 - Ships owned or Operated by a State
  • Chapter 9 - Effect of an Arbitration Agreement
  • Chapter 10 - State Immunity from Enforcement Measures
  • PART II - Pilot Project of the Council of Europe on State Practice regarding State Immunities - Contributions of member States
  • Appendices. Preface
  • Introduction
  • Liste des coauteurs
  • PARTIE I - Rapport analytique Chapitre 1 - La definition de l'Etat
  • Chapitre 2 - La definition des actes commerciaux
  • Chapitre 3 - La distinction entre l'immunite des Etats et l'immunite diplomatique
  • Chapitre 4 - La renonciation a l'immunite
  • Chapitre 5 - L'immunite des Etats a l'egard des contrats de travail
  • Chapitre 6 - Atteintes a l'integrite physique d'une personne ou dommages aux biens
  • Chapitre 7 - Propriete, possession et usage des biens
  • Chapitre 8 - Navires dont un Etat est le proprietaire ou l'exploitant
  • Chapitre 9 - Effet d'un accord d'arbitrage
  • Chapitre 10 - Immunite des Etats a l'egard des mesures d'execution
  • PARTIE II - Projet Pilote du Conseil de l'Europe sur la pratique des Etats relative aux immunites - Copntributions des Etats members
  • Annexes.

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