Conversation : from description to pedagogy


Conversation : from description to pedagogy

Scott Thornbury and Diana Slade

(Cambridge language teaching library)

Cambridge University Press, 2006

  • : hardback
  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 45



Includes bibliographical references (p. 342-357) and indexes



This book provides a comprehensive account of conversation in English and its implications for the ELT classroom. After a general overview and definition of conversation it provides the reader with a systematic description of conversational English, from the vocabulary of conversation, to grammar, discourse and genre. This is followed by an informed account of the development of conversation in both first and second language acquisition. It then describes a range of methodological approaches, procedures and techniques for teaching conversation in English. On this basis, an integrated approach to the teaching of conversation is provided, along with practical classroom applications.

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