Population ageing and economic growth : education policy and family policy in a model of endogenous growth


    • Gruescu, Sandra


Population ageing and economic growth : education policy and family policy in a model of endogenous growth

Sandra Gruescu

(Contributions to economics)

Physica-Verlag, c2007

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 22



Includes bibliographical references (p. [195]-201)



This book reviews standard economic growth models concentrating on the relationship between population ageing and economic growth and develops a growth model with endogenous human capital and endogenous fertility. This model is used to analyse the effects of education policy and family policy on economic growth. The author presents results both for economic policy, and for economic growth theory.


Population in models of economic growth.- The size and the growth rate of population and economic growth.- Effects of a declining population in a model of economic growth.- Effects of a declining population in a model of economic growth with endogenous human capital - Lucas (1988).- Conclusions of Part I.- Models of economic growth with an ageing population.- Models of "Silver Growth".- Models with exogenous population.- Models with quasi-endogenous population.- Models with endogenous population.- Conclusions.

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