Science, values and politics in Max Weber's methodology


Science, values and politics in Max Weber's methodology

Hans Henrik Bruun

(Rethinking classical sociology)

Ashgate, c2007

New expanded ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 12



Includes bibliographical references (p. [275]-284) and indexes



First published in 1972, this book on Weber's methodological writings is today regarded as a modern classic in its field. In this new expanded edition, the author has revised and updated the original text, and translated the numerous German quotations into English. He has also added a new introduction, where he discusses major issues raised in the relevant secondary literature since 1972. The author traces the relationship between values and science in Max Weber's methodology of its central aspects: value freedom, value relation (Wertbeziehung), value analysis, the ideal type and the special problems which pertain to the sphere of politics. Weber's thought is presented and discussed on the basis of a meticulous analysis of all available, published or unpublished, original material. The book is indispensable for all serious Weber scholars and provides the general student with a clear, accessible and authoritative exposition of major aspects of Weber's methodology.


  • Contents: Series Editor's preface
  • Preface
  • Introduction
  • Values as a problem of scientific inquiry: value freedom
  • Values as a precondition of scientific inquiry: value relation
  • Values as an instrument of scientific inquiry: value analysis
  • Values as an instrument of scientific inquiry: the ideal type
  • The complementary relation of values and scientific inquiry: politics and science
  • Bibliography
  • Name index
  • Subject Index.

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