Introducing organizational behaviour and management


Introducing organizational behaviour and management

David Knights and Hugh Willmott

Thomson Learning, c2007


Introducing organizational behaviour & management

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 6



Publisher varies: South-Western/Cengage Learning

Incudes bibliographical references and index



This eagerly awaited introductory textbook provides a fresh approach to the study of Organizational Behaviour and management. Seeking to make the subject matter more relevant and accessible, it treats Organizational Behaviour as a field of activity that has many parallels with what is experienced in everyday life. Students will find it easier to learn about organizations by appreciating how work relations and management activities are not so distant from their own everyday lives. Uniquely, this book presents two distinct and highly contrasting perspectives on Organizational Behaviour. Key elements of what is conventionally studied in the field are introduced and treated as a foil for introducing a critical, less orthodox perspective. Written with the introductory Organizational Behaviour student in mind, this exciting new text has a four-colour design and uses classic pedagogical features such as case studies, think points, discussion questions, learning objectives and linked chapter summaries in order to engage students and provide a stimulating learning and teaching environment.


1. Introduction. PART I: THE HUMAN DIMENSION. 2. Motivation and the self. 3 Individual differences, personality and self. 4. Groups and teams at work. 5. Knowledge and learning: Consuming management? PART II: THE ORGANIZATIONAL DIMENSION. 6. Organization, structure and design. 7. Management and leadership. 8. Political organizations and decision making. 9. Culture. 10. Change and innovation: New organizational forms. 11. Technology. PART III: EMERGENT ISSUES. 12. Globalization and organizations. 13. Bureaucracy and post-bureaucracy. 14. Ethics at Work. Appendix: The conceptual framework. Glossary. Index.

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  • ISBN
    • 9781844800353
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
  • ページ数/冊数
    xviii, 552 p.
  • 大きさ
    28 cm