The physics handbook : fundamentals and key equations


The physics handbook : fundamentals and key equations

Charles P. Poole, Jr

(Physics textbook)

Wiley-VCH, c2007

2nd ed

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 10



Includes bibliographical references and index



This compendium of physics covers the key equations and fundamental principles that are taught in graduate programs. It offers a succinct yet systematic treatment of all areas of physics, including mathematical physics, solid state physics, particle physics, statistical mechanics, and optics. In one complete, self-contained volume, author Charles P. Poole provides both review material for students preparing for PhD qualifying examinations and a quick reference for physicists who need to brush up on basic topics or delve into areas outside their expertise. In this second edition the author devotes two chapters to such regularly needed information as trigonometric and vector identities and special functions. The remaining chapters incorporate less frequently summoned concepts, including Lagrangians, parity, dispersion relations, chaos, free energies, statistical mechanical ensembles, and elementary particle classification. A brand new chapter on entanglement and quantum computing has been added, making this an indispensable resource for graduate students and physicists in both industry and academia.


Preface. Physical Constants. 1 Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Formulations. 2 Central Forces. 3 Rigid Bodies. 4 Oscillations and Vibrations. 5 Canonical Transformations. 6 Non-Linear Dynamics and Chaos. 7 Relativity. 8 Thermodynamics. 9 Statistical Mechanics and Distribution Functions. 10 Electrostatics and Magnetostatics. 11 Multipoles and Media. 12 Relativistic Electrodynamics. 13 Wave Propagation. 14 Optics. 15 Radiation. 16. Collision. 17 Angular Momentum. 18. Matrix Formulation of Quantum Mechanics. 19 Schrodinger Equation. 20 One-Dimensional Quantum Systems. 21 Atoms. 22 Perturbation Theory. 23 Fluids and Solids. 24 Conduction in Solids. 25 Nuclei. 26 Elementary Particles. 27 Mathematical Physics: Tensors and Matrices.

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