Webster's New World Spanish dictionary


Webster's New World Spanish dictionary

Mike González

Prentice Hall, 1992

Concise ed

  • : pbk


Spanish dictionary, Spanish-English/English-Spanish

Diccionario español-inglés inglés-español Spanish-English English-Spanish dictionary

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



Originally published: New York : Simon and Schuster, c1985, under the title "Collins concise Spanish-English, English-Spanish dictionary"

"Collins diccionario concise español-inglés inglés-español "--on page preceding t.p.



Compiled in collaboration with a team of expert linguists, the Webster's New World concise bilingual dictionaries are the perfect choice for beginning students and advanced speakers as well. Comprehensive and authoritative, yet clear and concise, the dictionaries offer a full array of features, as well as wide-ranging coverage of current expressions. Long-standing favorites in hardcover, the dictionaries will continue to be standard references for years to come -- especially now that they are available in unabridged paperback editions. * More than 100,000 words, giving wide-ranging coverage of current terms and expressions * Detailed definitions so the user can understand and translate idiomatically * Extensive examples of usage, showing how translations of words can vary according to context * Verb tables, including irregular verbs * Cross-references from every verb to the appropriate verb table

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