Setting standards for communication and governance : the example of infrastructure projects


Setting standards for communication and governance : the example of infrastructure projects

Lawrence J.M. Haas, Leonardo Mazzei, Donal O'Leary

(World Bank working papers, no. 121)

World Bank, c2007

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 13



Includes bibliographical references (p. 47)

"Larry Hass [i.e. Haas]"--Cover



This title outlines a number of practical initiatives to strengthen the role of development communication in infrastructure projects. The authors aim to facilitate better quality projects and to build consensus on the type of governance reforms needed to fight corruption, drawing on the experience of development agencies like the World Bank and Transparency International.It starts by characterizing corruption vulnerabilities in infrastructure and proceeds to illustrate where communication has added value on a number of recent projects, both in regard to making the projects more sustainable and by incorporating anti-corruption measures into the project preparation and implementation. It draws on examples of mainly World Bank-supported projects from the road, transport, power, and water sectors in different governance contexts. Five standard-setting initiatives are then outlined, which focus on promoting best practice to better integrate development communication into the project cycles of World Bank-supported infrastructure projects.

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