Foreign churches in St. Petersburg and their archives, 1703-1917


Foreign churches in St. Petersburg and their archives, 1703-1917

edited by Pieter Holtrop and Henk Slechte

(Kerkhistorische bijdragen, v. 29)

Brill, 2007

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3



Proceedings of a congress held in Oct. 2003 in Saint Petersburg, Russia

Includes bibliographical references and index



Walking the first mile of the Nevsky Prospekt in St. Petersburg, the visitor is struck by the sight of the Dutch, Finnish, Swedish, German, Armenian Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, and Roman Catholic churches. These buildings reflect the religious, cultural, and social diversity that has been characteristic of the city since Tsar Peter the Great invited thousands of foreigners from all over Western Europe to build this settlement at the estuary of the Neva River. On the occasion of the third centenary of St. Petersburg (2003), historians and archivists from Russia as well as other European countries convened to study the history of the city's foreign churches in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The resulting studies, published here, offer fascinating insights into the almost forgotten history of those churches and show how substantially they contributed to the religious, cultural, social, and economic history of St. Petersburg. Contributors include: Archpriest V. Fedorov, M. Fundaminski, P.N. Holtrop, B. Jangfeldt, E.E. Knyazeva, N.S. Krylov, T. Magi, A. Must, E. Norberg, P.M. Peucker, K. Rundell, V.M. Shishkin, C.H. Slechte, A.R. Sokolov, Th.J.S. van Staalduine, T.I. Tatsenko, J.W. Veluwenkamp, and M.V. Shkarovskii.


List of Illustrations Preface Foreign Churches along the Nevski Prospekt: An Introduction, P.N. Holtrop & C.H. Slechte 1. Three Hundred Years of European Integration and Relations between Churches in St. Petersburg, Archpriest V. Fedorov 2. Economic Relations between Western Europe and Russia, 1600-1800, J.W. Veluwenkamp 3. Swedish Churches in Russia and Their Historical Sources, E. Norberg 4. The Swedish Congregation of St. Petersburg: "Ett Tempel till Dyrkande af All Werldens Gud", B. Jangfeldt 5. Dutch and Reformed in St. Petersburg, P.N. Holtrop 6. The Lost Battle of the Last Chairman: Francois Schmitt and the Decline of the Dutch Reformed Community in St. Petersburg, 1920-27, Th.J.S. van Staalduine 7. The Anglican Church in St. Petersburg, K. Rundell 8. The Communications Network of Halle Pietists in Russia, M. Fundaminski 9. Herrnhut and Russia: Archival Records on Moravian Activity in Russia from the Unity Archives in Herrnhut, Germany, P.M. Peucker 10. The History of Expatriate Estonians in the Registers of St. Mary's in Tomsk, A. Must 11. Historical Sources on Foreign Churches in the Central State Historical Archive of St. Petersburg, V.M. Shishkin 12. The Department for Spiritual Affairs of Foreign Confessions in the Ministry of the Interior, A.R. Sokolov 13. Sources on the History of Lutheran Churches in Russia in the Collections of the Russian State Historical Archive in St. Petersburg, T.I. Tatsenko & E.E. Knyazeva 14. Historical Sources on the Evangelical-Lutheran Churches of North-West Russia in the Central State Archive of St. Petersburg, M.V. Shkarovskii 15. Traces of the History of Estonian Churches in Russian Archives, T. Magi 16. Collections of the Roman Catholic and Uniate Spiritual Institutions in the Russian State Historical Archive in St. Petersburg, N.S. Krylov Index of Names

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